Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sorry I've been absent for a little bit. I'm still here, just living life day to day. Feeling kind of off this week. A little emotionally and a little physically. Emotionally because a few friends had their babies (which both are girls) and it always seems to make me slightly sad to know that we will not be having anymore children (unless God preforms a miracle, which has been known to happen). And I'm feeling physically off because I'm fighting some strange virus.
Something is making me want cinnamon... i mean i am craving cinnamon like CRAZY... it's so weird.
We found a new home for our ducks as they were not laying anymore. I was sad to see them go, but it's hard for me to keep animals unless the have a purpose. Even though i was happy to see them everyday and hear their quaking... it didn't make sense to keep feeding them. Anyway, Matt has ordered a whole assortment of random barnyard poultry for my mothers day present and he is going to build me a nice big coup... he also promises there will be some sort of duck a part of the all the poultry that he has ordered, so that makes me happy.
I sent in my order form for my spring seeds this year. I'm pretty excited. I'll be growing beans, peas, lemon cucumbers, watermelon, and corn. I would grow lots more but our garden space is limited and these are the only things that my boys like well enough for us to grow. I'm hoping to expand their palate someday!
Speaking of boys, i realized that i am REALLY surrounded by boys now... it's just me and the dog that are female.. other then that even the cats, the goat and the cow are boys! sigh

Anyway... there you are, my thoughts are so random, you can see why i haven't blogged much lately!
OH and i wanted to add, Canadian friends are welcome to enter into my giveaways... so don't be scared off if you are worried that i won't want to ship something up to you!


Leanne said...

The first thing that came to my mind when you said you were craving cinnamon is either you have an overgrowth of yeast, or you need to get your blood sugar checked. Cinnamon regulates blood sugar, and also takes care of yeast. Just FYI!!

Kristin, never ever cease to give the Lord the desires of your heart! Never stop believing that He is the God if miracles.

Here is a quote that I read last week that hit me square in the heart, from Beth Moore: Sometimes the miracle we seek is performed on our hearts and minds rather than our circumstances. This has helped me tremendously in the past week......I hope it helps you too.

Keep your chin up and keep your eyes on the hills.

My Little Warriors said...

Thanks for the encouragment!
I was looking up the health benifits of cinnamon and it would make sense that i am craving it because i often have yeast overgrowth issues and also circulation and blood sugar issues. SO my body knows what it needs!