Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, December 31, 2012


We're breaking up...
I learned so much about myself, what i can and cannot handle and what i want for myself and my family...
I am ready to move on..
so we're done.
I will cherish the good memories and try to learn from the bad ones...
But I will move on.
Goodbye 2012, you have taught me much.
On this last day of 2012 God sent snow. Now for some, snow is no big deal, but for us it's a rarity. Since i was young i always loved snow. I always felt so special when it would snow on my birthday ( which growing up in Minnesota happened about 90 percent of the time in the winter.. but still i felt special). So today it snowed, and whenever it snows it's a special message from God for me. He whispers
*You are loved*
*I will make you new*
*I am here*
*everything will be alright*
This past year i've learned many lessons and i have traveled paths i never intended to travel..
But today... tonight..
i rest, and feel peace and hope for the coming year.
I know He is here.
And i hope that this year I will continue to keep my heart and hands open to all that God has planned for my life.

and maybe..
hope for a little more snow this winter.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

more pictures

For Christmas we went over to matt's parents house and we got to see my little nephew.. he is walking now which is just so weird.. we haven't seen him for over a month so it was strange! 

These were pictures that my mom took. Despite the situation that is going on with my sister it was not a christmas full of drama which was good. Mom wanted her girls to be together for christmas and it  worked out okay. There is a lot to the story but Matt and I still feel released from the situation. It was very nice to see Martin, but we no longer feel responsible for him, which is so freeing.
Anyway... that's all i want to go into it... maybe i'll scrounge up some more pictures over the next few days!
In other news...
My husband blessed me with a new GAS EFFICIENT car... YAY... so it will be much nicer on the pocket book to drive little blue (that's what i call our new car) around then our big suv ( we are still keeping because we need it to haul llamas and do mountain driving)! Maybe i'll take a picture for you!
Anyway,, Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Just a few pictures

My mom is here out west visiting from the Midwest for Christmas! I actually haven't taken many pictures at all but we have a few, so at the request of a friend i am posting them! Maybe i will take more this week! :)

I hope everyone had a beautiful holiday celebration and I hope that this year is ending well for you all!

Me and Elijah in our jammies! Thanks to a close friend for such AWESOME footed pj's! LOVE THEM! :)

The Boys all wrapped up in a blanket that my older sister made for us... I LOVE it... it is so soft!!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

We don't tell our boys that santa brings them presents.We tell them that we buy presents for each other to celebrate Jesus' birthday because it makes Him happy to love on others.  When they ask about Santa we tell them the story of St.Nicolas.. and that is where the story of santa comes from... but santa isn't real. I don't feel like i am damaging them in any way shape or form by just being truthful with them about santa... that goes along with the easter bunny and the tooth fairy... no such things here.. the kids know of them, but they know it's pretend.

I was browsing around once and found this explanation on why Jesus is better then santa... it's one of my favorite comparisons... what they don't mention is that santa is pretend, but Jesus is real!


(author unknown)

Santa lives at the North Pole ...
JESUS is everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh ...
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.

Santa comes but once a year.
JESUS is an ever present help.

Santa fills your stockings with goodies ...
JESUS supplies all your needs.

Santa comes down your chimney uninvited ...
JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and enters your heart.

You have to wait in line to see Santa ...
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.

Santa lets you sit on his lap ...
JESUS lets you rest in His Arms.

Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is
"Hi little boy or girl, what's your name?" ...
JESUS knew our name before we did.
Not only does He know our name,
He knows our history and future, and
He even knows our hearts & how many hairs are on our heads.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly ...
JESUS has a heart full of love, grace, mercy & forgiveness.

All Santa can offer is HO HO HO ...
JESUS says "Cast your cares on me for I care for you."

Santa's little helpers make toys ...
JESUS makes a new life, mends wounded hearts,
repairs broken homes and builds mansions.

Santa may make you chuckle but ...
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.

While Santa puts gifts under your tree ...
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree,
For you & for me.

Yes, JESUS is better,
He is even better than Santa Claus.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Honestly this may be hard to read but may give some perspective...

My heart breaks for the families that lost children and teachers in the shooting last week. It's so terrible...  the world is a terrible place... I personally don't think gun control is the answer...  and I think we need to stop heaping the blame on different people ( school officials, mental health community, government, media, ect...) 

Did you know that there have been multiple attacks in China over the past few years on kindergardeners and preschoolers? China has very strict gun laws... yet their children are still getting attacked... not with guns.. with Knives, Machetes, axes, hammers... ect....

Do your own research and look it up.

 Actually the same day that the innocents lost their life in Connecticut there was an attack in china on little children... did you hear about that?

So to say the answer is to get rid of all guns... well i think that is a bit ignorant because you can't fix peoples hearts by taking away a gun... they just find different weapons...

 Obviously this kind of sicking child killing is not just happening in the North America ( i am an American and i firmly believe that  North Americans are super self centered and have a problem thinking that the world revolves around themselves... North Americans are such a SMALL PERCENT OF THE POPULATION  people.. and don't get me started on the evils that are done to children all over the world this very minute)... it's happening EVERYWHERE. We live in a world that is becoming more and more wicked...

Open you eyes please... Don't live in fear, but also realize that we are living in some pretty scary times and it is important to be aware of that. Morals are at an all time low... everything goes... there is no sanctity of life... the best we can do is raise up a generation that has MORALS.. RESPECT FOR OTHERS and RESPECT FOR LIFE! 


 Sorry for rambling... just had to get those thought out there!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

9 years

This was our first kiss...
Matt has given me the best years of my life so far, and i hope that we can spend MANY more together. Love you babe!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

just had to share

We live about 300 feet above sea level near the ocean. So it is not very often that it is cold enough to snow here... we get it maybe twice a year and it doesn't stay for long.

 But when it does snow, it makes it even more special!

I LOVE snow... it make me want to move higher up in the hills just so we can see it more... but if i am am missing it to much.. it is only about a 45 minute drive to be surrounded by MANY feet of snow in the mountains...  :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I miss him today...



And i know that he is happier in heaven with Jesus, but i wish he was here to see his grandsons... i wish he was coming for Christmas this year with mom. I wish he was here so that Mom wouldn't be so sad... and I just wish he was here because i miss him...

Sunday, December 9, 2012


We have stockings hung around our wood burning stove.

 Jesus has the biggest one... it's purple.

I like purple and i do not think Jesus would feel offended that his stocking is purple because after all he is a King....

And what better color to represent THE King then purple!

So every year since we've hung Jesus' purple stocking we ask the kids what we should give Jesus for Christmas ( it is the day we celebrate his birthday after all... so i think he should get a present too). This year we asked Joshua what we should give Jesus for his birthday. Joshua thought for a little bit and then said " AFRICA". Joshua wanted to give Jesus Africa for Christmas... which is a sweet thought... so i told him that it would be pretty hard to give Jesus Africa for Christmas ( as it is a continent after all) . I did tell him though that we can help a child who lives in Africa and be friends with them. He thought that was a cool idea. So we went online and found a little boy through world vision ( i prefer gospel for Asia when supporting kids. but gospel for Asia doesn't operate in Africa, so we take what we get!)... His name is Bikila and he is from Ethiopia and he is Joshua's age. Joshua picked him... and he is super exited to have a friend in Africa to write to. He said the first thing he is going to do is write him and ask if Bikila has seen elephants. Joshua is already planning his trip to go to Africa to visit him. Maybe one day he will go.. maybe one day we will be my little traveler... Right now the two things he wants to do when he gets older is be a teacher and  go to Africa. Maybe he will go to Africa someday and be a teacher there!

Do you believe that Christmas is Jesus' birthday? I know it isn't literally, but do you celebrate it that way? I want to encourage you this year, if you do celebrate Christmas as Jesus' Birthday, ask yourself what can i give Jesus this year? Maybe it's just a simple thank you, maybe it's a gift of a few dollars to the man that stands at the corner at the grocery store, or whatever you feel in your heart...

 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ - Matthew 25:40

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Labor of Love

A good friend of mine shared this song with me today. So beautiful! Listen please if you have the time!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half-truth when the whole can be won."

- from the Cadet's prayer

I love this quote!