Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions big and small

Things that I want to work on this year

1.The atmosphere of my home. I want my boys to be challenged to grow and learn in an environment of love, calmness, and order. I want our home to be a place of refuge and hope that those who come will feel the peace of Christ in our home and in our family.

2. My reaction to unfavorable events. Instead of getting impatient and frustrated when one of the boys has destroyed something or made a mess, or not listened for the 30th time that day, i want to react calmly and peacefully and stay self controlled, keeping my speech firm, but still loving.

3. make breakfast. I am not to much of a morning person, which i am working on, and making breakfast has never been something that I've desired to do or worked hard at doing for my family.

4. read more books. Not just books of self improvement, homeschooling, or devotional... but books I've always wanted to read like " The Swiss Family Robinson" which i am Reading right now.

5. Drink more water

6. make my children brush their teeth. I am absolutely horrible in this department and I must confess that my children very often go to bed with unbrushed teeth.

That's really all i have, though they are plenty! :) What are your "resolutions"?

1 comment:

Megan said...

My first one is like your #1 & #2, I want to be more loving and patient, especially with Isabelle. I get really snappy with her real quick, and I want to change that. I want to be made perfect in love (1 John 4:18). And second, I want to be more girlish. Wearing more dresses, skirts, earrings, makeup (in moderation! ;), etc.