Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, February 28, 2011

World Concern

I'm not sure how to start out this post. It's a bit of a sensitive subject, but it's something that is always on my heart and even more so now after being motivated by reading the book " The hole in our gospel" by president of world vision, Richard Stearns. What I am about to share comes out of my heart and my own calling and convictions. I know that the Lord uses many people in different ways, but i truly believe that we ALL have a responsibility when it comes to taking care of the poor and the needy (either in taking care of foster children, feeding the poor in our community, sending money oversees ect.) . Alight, so here we go.
Most of you know that i did not grow up in a well to do family with lots of money to spare. Though things where tight I never went hungry or was cold from lack of shelter. My mother worked hard to take care of us, and later on when she married my most wonderful step dad, he also worked hard to give us everything that we needed and wanted. When i was a teenager I went with my youth group on a missions trip to Guatemala. I knew that there were less fortunate in the world and people starving and dying from preventable diseases, but it was always so far away. It was such an eye opening experience to see the poverty. I'm not going to go into it, but when i returned home from that missions trip i was changed and i was in shock at how RICH we really are. I was only 17 but i still wanted to stay connected and reminded somehow, so i found a child to sponsor through compassion international. Though i didn't make to much money as a cashier at the local drug store, i knew that 28 dollars a month was nothing to me and everything to the child i would sponsor. It's been 10 years now and through all of my life changes i still support that child, a little girl by the name of Sandra (who is now 15 and not so little!). Through the years God has always placed the suffering on my heart, though I must admit at times in my spoiled American life I have been very selfish. When i was in college i remember seeing all this food go to waste and someone commented about how many people it could feed, i had often thought that but in my immaturity i spouted out that the starving people in Africa are more then welcome to my leftovers, they just need to come up here and get it. Oh... i cringe at that thought now. How insensitive and RUDE and unlike Jesus.

I've got a great life that is VERY comfortable. As i write this i am sitting at my table next to a warm fireplace while there is a chicken potpie cooking in the oven and my children are enjoying a break watching a movie. I am SPOILED. A couple of weeks ago i received a book in the mail from world vision, and my heart has been convicted again on what the Lord has called me to do in my life. Yes it is okay to be concerned about the health of my children and what foods they are eating and the environmental toxins that surround them, but I still need to do my part in one of the greatest commandments that was given " Love your neighbor as yourself". I know some would say that a starving child in Africa who's parents have died from HIV is not my neighbor and not my problem, but they are. More then ever we can outreach to and help those in need in other countries. It's my place and God's calling to me to provide for the needy, love the unlovable and use what he has given me for his purpose. Though me and my family may not physically be able to go out and help dig wells for clean water and teach those who need educations or hug the orphans that need love, we have PLENTY of money to help. The numbers of those suffering and dying from easily preventable diseases is mind boggling. So much so it almost makes you feel numb. I'm not going to go into numbers and statistics and what not.
There is just so much in this book, i've spent a few days figuring out how i want to write a post about it, but I've decided that i just can't sum it up in a post. Therefore i want to share the book. So for the first 5 people that comment on this post I am going to send you a copy of this book. They are currently ordered and due to arrive hopefully next week, so once i receive them i will ship them out to you. This is a great book and I strongly encourage you to take the time to read it.. even the first two chapters.
Alright so comment away if you want a book.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well after a terrible night of sinus pressure and achy muscles on my part we decided not to go to church this morning. The cold that Matt and the boys just got over finally hit me. I told Matt that i was still willing to go but he decided it would be best for all to hold off until next week. So I'll have to let you know how church goes after next week! For now I'm resting, filling up on water, echinacea and vitamin C hoping that it will pass soon.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

confession and fear

We have not been to church since before Easter Sunday... 2009. That's correct. It's been almost two years since we have fellowshiped with other believers in a designated church building. To make a very long story short on our lack of church attendance and being apart of a congregation, first off, the longtime church that we were attending was going in a direction doctrinally that we felt was not sound. On top of that the past two years have been VERY hard to have a special needs child who thrives on consistency, and try to visit different Churches... to put it simply it would have been damaging to him to go church hoping. We did visit one church a couple of times, but it was just to big for us and no one really acknowledged our presence. Not that people should of came flocking to us, but nobody said anything one way or another because the church was just so large one couldn't really tell who was regular and who wasn't. So here we are about 2 years later and we are going to attempt to go to church tomorrow. I'm feeling nervous. I always feel this way before doing something new with the kids and meeting new people. I think it has something to do with educating people about our children and their special needs. We have already talked to the children's pastor, so she is aware of our boys, and what makes it even easier is that she works with special needs kids on top of being a children's minister. We know a few people who already attend the church so it's not like we are stepping into a total unknown. I still feel anxious though. That probably comes with not going to church for 2 years! It still just seems so strange to see it typed out. But i am excited to get back into the habit of going to church and I know that it will be so good to fellowship with other believers, make new friends, and be challenged and encouraged by others. I'm just really hoping and praying that Daniel (our OCD, needs consistancy, has seperation anxiety issues child) feels comfortable and at peace and that it is an easy transition.
I'll let you know how it goes. :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

snow days and other thoughts

Snow days are rare in our town, so it is a treat when we get enough snow to stick. Schools shut down for an inch of snow and we actually get to spend some time outside without being soaked to the core from the winter rains. Another up side is that with the cold weather usually comes some clear skies and i can see the sun! Oh the glorious sun. The end of February is always a hard month for me for some reason. Maybe it's just the build up of months of rain and little to no sightings of sun. But today I am choosing to focus on positive things. There are so many things to focus on that could make me have a negative attitude. Today alone i have an extra 2 loads of laundry to do from bed wetting, a carpet to clean that has a big blood stain on it from a bloody noise, a dirty bathroom from a little boy with his aim off, and other things... but in all honesty, even though i have extra chores to do today, my life is a piece of cake. I don't need to walk 5 miles in this snow to get water for my children to drink, or water to cook and clean with. I've got plenty of food in my pantry that will feed my family for at least a month... and that's just in the pantry! I have plenty of firewood to keep my family warm and safe, and a roof and four walls. My children have safe sanitation and if one of the boys comes down with a sickness that is lifetreatening it only takes me 10 minutes to drive to the nearest hospital in my heated vehicle. Compared to the majority of the world... i would say that i have little to worry about and that I should be rejoicing in the blessing of the life the Lord has provided. Yes, I am not void of worries and fears, but I AM blessed to have a warm home, healthy children, running clean water, and nutritious food to fill my children's tummys.
You can obviously tell I've been reading about the rest of the world lately... and not just getting caught up in what the American percent of the population is dealing with (North Americans (Canadians and Americans) comprise 4.5 percent of the population).
anyway, more thoughts on that later... my little boy is hungry and asking for some coconut yogurt. I hope you are having a good day and choosing to focus on your blessings!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wow... Sorry for my absence of thought but I've been reading a most life changing, eye opening book (so far besides the Bible) . There is so much meat to it... so much truth... ooo so much to share...
it is written by the president of World Vision... seriously... read it...

The Hole in our Gospel

I've got lots of thoughts to share, but i want to actually finish and collect my thoughts before i go off on the topic of world concern and loving our neighbors.
Has anyone else read this book or heard of it???

Saturday, February 19, 2011

On my heart...

Tonight this precious woman is on my heart and in my prayers. She is currently in labor ready to give birth to her two precious twin girls. One of whom went to be with Jesus at 21 weeks gestation. PLEASE join with me and cover this woman and her family in prayer as they go through this unique time of joy mingled with sorrow.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The view from here

My kitchen is an utter disaster. I mean really terrible. I thought about taking a picture but really... it's to painful. It's not under demolition or anything... i just haven't cleaned up after making meals today and grocery shopping. Instead I'm sitting here, writing on my blog. I long for a nap and a hot bath... i long for a clean home and quiet time. I long for little boys to be in bed sleeping peacefully instead of running aorund the house screaming "I'm a WARRIOR, I'LL SAVE YOU" (though i do love it so when they do that). I long for a brain that doesn't currently feel so fragmented. Those things currently are not on my list until children are tucked in bed and the dishes have been cleaned and laundry folded and put away.
I've had a pretty crazy week hormone wise and I'm needing to go back on some supplements i previously was on. No big deal... but until my system gets more evened out I'm kinda on the fritz and i think those who are suffering the most are my children. My patience in less then usual and my responses are less then loving. So this is me, last week, today, this week, and hopefully not for long. I've been working on eating good, drinking lots of water and taking breaks as often as possible so i don't feel so overwhelmed.

OKay... I'm gonna go tackle that kitchen now and rock out to some worship music.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


8 years ago i went on a walk with a handsome young man on a cold Alberta night. He gave me a single red rose and asked if he could date/court me. I knew then and there that we would be together always and he has had my heart ever since. I know that we are still very young in our marriage and haven't had to many years together (just over 7 years marriage) but there has never been a time where i have loved him more or admired him more. We have gone through many difficult transitions in our time together (many moves, small children close together, special needs children, career change, health issues, small business start up, ect.) but I believe that our love and faith that was placed first in the Lord and our foundation solely built on him, has kept us together, in love, and strong these years where many would have fallen apart. I'm not saying that our marriage is perfect, because no ones is, but it is a joy and a blessing. We both entered into marriage knowing that we were flawed and sinful people in desperate need of a loving God who makes all things good.
Anyway.. I'm just so thankful God has given me this amazing Man and I love looking back out our beginnings.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Zoo Trip

Today we took a trip over the the Portland Zoo. It was their 4 dollar Tuesday (it use to be 2 dollars but the upped it... still worth the trip once or twice a year for the kiddos). The boys had a great time running around and seeing the animals.
Here are a few pictures from our day...

Joshua's favorite is the Elephants

Daniel enjoyed the Penguins

Elijah pretended he was on an African safari

Joshua wanted to see if the lion would bite him...

And of course ELijah had to try the same thing as his big brother!

Overall it was a great day and now i'm ready for bed!

Monday, February 7, 2011


I found a SUPER tasty gluten free scone recipe.... Click here if you want it too!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Life today...

-I have a little boy laying next to me right now who is having a hard time sleeping. He has a bit of a runny nose and of course he is my little neat freak so it's hard on him when snot is involved. Poor little guy.

-I have decided to go off of Coffee and sugar for the next 2 months at least. I've gone off of coffee before and i felt GREAT! I just love the taste and warmness of it, so I'll just have to drink some tea when i want that warm feeling and call it good. As for the sugar, I've just had way to much lately and i can feel it in my body and the way it's functioning.

-I've been training for a 10K. I never thought I would actually run more then 2 miles at a time, but I'm doing it! I've mostly done everything on my treadmill, but today i went to our local "lake" (i say lake because really coming from Minnesota where we have lakes you can't even see across, it's more like a pond)and i ran around it in 40 minutes! I was super excited because i was hoping i could do it in an hour, but it only took 40 minutes! It is 3.5 miles around, so i was going about 11 minutes a mile... so i'm pretty excited! My goal is to be able to run it twice by 6 weeks in less then an hour and a half.

- All this running has my circulation so happy! I've struggled with circulation issues and blood clots since Daniel was in utero, but now my circulation and clotting are next to none! It;s so nice to be able to drive for more then an hour at a time without feeling like my legs are going to fall off. Yippee

-I just recently reconnected with a good friend from my prairie days! It's so fun to see where old friends have moved to and how many kids they have. Her and her husband were on the 5 year plan so they just had their first little boy last year. It was fun to catch up.

-Speaking of babies, i have baby fever BAD. We had friends over last night who have a sweet little 5 month old boy. Matt asked to hold him and he said that it was making him want more kids :) hehehehehe i like to see God working on him like that and i hope to someday add more children to our family possibly through adoption. We'll see what the Lord has in store.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

what brings joy to my heart...

Joshua using his imagination and building castles and airplanes out of legos...

and of course i never get tired of seeing my little boy sleep

I am truly a blessed momma

Thursday, February 3, 2011

And the winner is....

Joshua drew the winner but Daniel wanted to be the one in the picture :)

p.s. I can't believe I'm 27... though it really doesn't feel as old as i thought it would.. actually, i feel like i should be older!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Valentines Day

If you haven't figured it out by now, I love traditions! When i was a little girl i remember waking op on valentines day morning and there would be a card under my door from my step dad. I felt so special and so loved!He always would make an effort to make me feel loved and special. When Matt and I got married i dreamed about having a little girl and how much she was going to be loved by her Daddy. I knew he would do fun things like that with her and bring her on dates. Well now that we have children and all are boys, I've had to be the one to make the day special. Yes valentines day is just a "hallmark" holiday but it's a great excuse to celebrate the love that our family has. After all... February is the month that Matt and i started dating and our first date was on valentines day 8 years ago. February is certainly the month of love for me!
So I'm trying to think of special things that i can do for my boys this valentines day. I'm thinking that I'm going to make them each special valentines day cards and a lunch date out with me. I want my boys to cherish each other and learn that it's important to show others that you love them. They can't do that until they have been shown love. I can't expect them to do nice things for others, or encourage others unless i myself am doing it... especially for them.

How do you feel about Valentines day? Are you going to do anything special for your spouse/loved one/ children?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy February

Our day today was beautiful!

sunshine pouring in the window in the morning!

Ferdinand with his new cowbell! :) can you see it?

Friends came to play today!!!

Daniel, Elijah and Moshe enjoying the sun!


Decorating gluten free Heart cookies

Isabelle (sorry Megan, not sure if i spelt her name right)

Yummy! Josie especially loved the frosting!

How was your first day of February?