Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, February 28, 2013

for my boys...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

" Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about, and not much to listen to; while things that are uncomfortable, palpitating, and even gruesome, may make a good tale, and take a great deal of telling anyway. " 

J.R.R. Tolkien 
The Hobbit 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Seriously.. this is so beautiful it made me cry...

Story behind the song:
The American Heritage Lyceum Philharmonic (Youth Orchestra) and its director, Kayson Brown, approached us with this idea. We loved it. It combined two of the things we are working to accomplish — inviting people to classical music and inspiring young musicians. Steven Sharp Nelson had soloed with the orchestra the previous year and loved the spirit and the talent that the orchestra showed at such young ages (ages 13-18!) Together we developed the concept of “Beethoven’s 5 Secrets,” combining OneRepublic’s tune “Secrets” with melodies and moments from all four movements of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.

We used 5 different melodies from the 4 movements of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony (not including the “bridge” the orchestra plays in the middle). Try to guess where they are and where they come from!
What are Beethoven’s secrets? He had many. His most prominent secret that he desperately tried to keep from the public and that caused him to be considered extremely eccentric, irritable, and hermit-like was his “weakness.” He was deaf during most of his life. Imagine that…one of the greatest composers that ever lived could hardly hear. And yet, he wrote his life’s greatest works after becoming deaf. He believed that art itself had “secrets” that had to be “forced into” in order to obtain art’s highest level. There is no doubt Beethoven discovered many of the “secrets” of art — people all over the world enjoy them every day. He was a true master of music, blessed by God. This piece and video are dedicated to him.

-taken from the piano guys website.


OKay all i can say is LOVE... feeding the soul with music.. Beautiful...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Something a little exciting...

I just found out that an old friend i went to college with ( we were in the same small group, worked in children's ministry together, she was one of the first people i met and we lived on the same floor in the dorms) Is moving to the town next to us as her husband will be leading a church in that town! Seriously.. I'm just a little excited. How awesome is that after 10 years ending up 20 minutes away from each other. It's a small world after all...

Some things...

Sorry i've been absent. I've been busy... and though i love sharing on this space, i come here and find that i only have daily life to talk about, which isn't terrible, but it's about the same right now that it is everyother day. And then when i have something that seems interesting to talk about or a thought i want to share, it's like 3 in the morning and i am laying in bed and it's just to warm to get out... so .. there you have it...
I will come back... really.. i will..

Friday, February 15, 2013



Friday, February 8, 2013

Saying goodbye...

Today we sold my favorite llama. It was bitter sweet, but i'm doing better then i thought i would seeing her go. I think it's because i know she will be loved and happy in her new home.
We reevaluated our backpacking situation and our land/hay situation and came to the conclusion that 2 llamas are really all we need. So we decided to find a new home for our older llama Katy... she was our first llama, over friendly, and had crazy eyes (one blue, one black). One of the reasons we picked her is because she is 7 years old, and on our last backpacking trip she was acting like a little princess and didn't want to carry her pack and she would lay down right in the middle of the path. So we found her a home where she can be fat and happy hanging out with another llama and some horses. Now we are down to two... Gwen and Shiloh... Gwen just turned 2 years old and Shiloh is 1 1/2 now. If their health holds up and they are taken care of well they will live into their 20's and the will be able to do heavy packing into their late teens. So it just made sense to keep those two.
AND we are going to sell our big trailer and just use a smaller trailer.. (because now that we only have two llamas there is no need for a huge trailer) SO it will save of gas money as well! As well as 1 less llama means having to give less supplements and less hay in the winter.
Goodbye Katy.. We will always remember you as the one who taught us and made us love your kind.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

29 finds me...

Today is my birthday.
 Here i sit, eating plain yogurt (i would tell you why it's plain and not some other yummy version but i don't want to give to much info.. we'll just leave it at i am trying to beat something naturally)  listening to M. Buble (thanks K), and feeling content.
I don't feel old.. Actually I'm happy that I'm on my last year of my 20's.
I was going to put down 29 things about me... but as i started typing i was you guys really care that i love the colors blue and purple and i am tired from staying out all night at a friends house??... naw... I'd rather be doing something else. SO there you have it.. maybe tomorrow!

Happy day to you...  i hope this day is treating you well.