Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, November 30, 2012

Goodbye November, Hello December.
I feel like every year I am in a stage of growing and learning...
 that basically has been the theme of my life for the past 10 or so years.
Moving away to college, marriage, children, autism, vocational life plan changes, house buying, Apraxia and other special needs, death of a loved parent, birth of a nephew (which i know seems like it would be a great life event... but the story is just so steeped in pain) , learning boundaries and how my much my heart can take... that's just the past 10 years... that doesn't include the years before that and there are events in there that aren't huge but have a big effect. And a lot of those events have left me wondering, shaken, questioning and lost in who i am.

Maybe this next year... Maybe.. just maybe it won't be so eventful. Maybe i can just report no major events. Maybe i can just focus on loving those closest to me and growing. Maybe i can have a day where there isn't an overwhelming emotion...  I don't expect that i will sail through rest of life without more *adventures, just because, Lord knows I've had a fair share (or unfair.. depending on what day you talk to me and what mood i am in!)... But i am hoping that maybe i can embrace each adventure with a bit of grace, with a bit of wisdom, and truthfully stick to who i am and not let my worth in Christ shake when the winds of this adventure blow hard and fierce.  Maybe... so goodbye November... you taught me much, Hello December.. here's to Hope.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our house this week...

Just another week at our house.  
Playing with Dreeko (i think i still look like a teenager in this picture! HA!!! wish i still had the energy of a teenager!)

Chickens curious about what's going on inside

Husband napping totally oblivious of the work (folding laundry) right next to him! Though i don't mind folding cloths... i actually prefer to do it.

Elijah doing his best.

Friends over for cookie decorating.

Daniel working on learning numbers


Monday, November 26, 2012

Currently Reading

Here is a list of the books i am currently reading. Can you figure out the theme?
Daniel has a sensory disorder... i have found this book very helpful with ideas to help him feel more grounded, connected, and safe.

Daniel also has speech and eating issues... i haven't started this book yet, but i am excited to read about new ways i can possibly help him. I am a huge advocate of expanding ones knowledge in helping their children be their best, and also understanding their children's specific needs.

This is a book i have started as part of a study with a group... so far I've read the beginning of it and i already love it.

I actually never have read an advent devotional... so we'll see how this one goes and if it is any good. I started going over key events from creation leading up to Christ's birth at Christmas with the kids for a few years now and i love doing that... maybe this will get added in later on.

And last but not least another special needs book. This one is a very simple read with clear ideas on how to minimize family stress, focus on self care and focus on what is important to you and your family.

And there you have it. Once i get through all of the books i will let you know if they are a must read or not!

What books are you reading?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

4 years

This sweet, blessed child is 4 years old today!

Thank you son for the fresh breath of normal in this house. Your little neuro-typical mind holds all of us together. You truly are the glue between your brothers and we are SO blessed to have you in our family. I know that it hasn't been easy at times when your brothers demand time and attention and you have to sit back while their needs are being taken care of.... But you will grow into such a man of empathy and character, able to see others special qualities.  I love you, thank you for all that you have brought into this family.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

in our house...

We're ready for anything....

Dress up is NOT just for girls...

And lizards sleep in the bathtub!

*  don't worry... we actually do not use this bathtub because.. *cough cough* ... i broke it a while ago... which is a hilarious story within itself.. seriously boosts the self esteem when you step into a bathtub and it cracks... didn't expect that from my 140 pound body! Anyway.. the point to this rant is that this bathtub is and has been out of commission for a few years and now it has a use until we build our new dragon a home. :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Bearded Dragons that is.....
Why yes, that is a lizard on my head....
Meet our new bearded dragon... including the length of his tail he is a 2 foot long, interesting, easy going, super cool lizard. And his name is " DREEKO". Joshua insisted that is what he was to be called...


Friday, November 9, 2012

Because i have to.....

He works full time as a dispatcher for an oil company.

He has his own business.

He developed a patent for a water augmented jet engine.

He is an entrepreneur.

He is building an airplane. Yep... AN AIRPLANE IN OUR SHOP... from scratch.. like his own design he came up with and he decided that he was going to build it.

He gives me back rubs every night. Seriously.. Spoiled....

He engages and plays with the kids during the day.

He helps with homeschooling the kids.

He encourages and motivates us and loves us in ways that grow us and challenge us.

HE BLESSES ME. He works so hard! and i can't imagine this family without him!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Because i love them....

Sunday, November 4, 2012

because i like this song....

"Whole Wide World"

I’m gonna walk a hundred miles
I’m gonna whistle all the while
If that’s what it takes to make me smile
I’m gonna walk a hundred miles

I’m gonna run right up this hill
Summer sky or winter chill
If I gotta take a break I will
But I’m gonna run right up this hill

I wanna hold the whole wide world
Right here in my open hands
Maybe I’m just a little girl
A little girl with great big plans

I’m gonna go and take a chance
I’m gonna learn to ballet dance
Learn a little something ‘bout romance
I’m gonna go and take a chance

I’m gonna live a crazy dream
Impossible as it may seem
Doesn’t matter what the future brings
I’m gonna live a crazy dream


You tell me, “don’t try it”
I’m warning you that I won’t buy it
All failure is fleeting
I trust it always has its meaning
