Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, January 7, 2011

a note on vaccinations

First off, I just want to say thank you friends for the support and encouragement from my last couple of posts!

Now, I just wanted to clarify on something that i said about vaccinations. I said that we stopped vaccinating shortly after Joshua's diagnosis. I just want to make it clear that i do not think that Joshua and Daniel struggle with autism because of their vaccinations. Though Joshua did regress after he received his MMR vaccination (and he actually got the measles from the shot) I do not wholly contribute his struggle with the vaccine. He had certain issues that we did not realize (like leaky gut syndrome) that contributed to his developmental delay. I do believe that the vaccinations played a part in my children's diagnosis... but i do not believe that they are the leading cause to it. In fact I think it's a number of factors and you can't just say this one thing is the cause... like saying the MMR shot is the soul cause of autism. Daniel hasn't had his MMR shot and he struggles with autism. Anyway... in the ways of vaccination i just believe that the united states vaccine schedule is ridiculous and we are putting to many things into out little kids bodies before they can handle it. The schedule needs to be reevaluated. I think that vaccinations have their place and in many instances has in fact saved lives. I've done much reading on both sides before we concluded on holding off on vaccinating for a while and even got the support from our doctor, who is for vaccinating. My recommendation if you have children is to do research, talk to parents who are on both sides of the fence, talk to your doctor, and don't be scared into vaccinating or not vaccinating.


Kmarie said...

I did the same thing as you and came to the same conclusions. Not only that I got the MMR done before my new stance on shots and I have NEVER had such pain in my head and a rash. The hospital said it was nothing to do with the shot even though it was 20 minutes after. They said it was 'coincidental'. My brain was on fire and I thought no wonder my son screamed for a whole night after this! ( The nurses said that was coincidental too and wrote it on their records as such.) I found out later that it was my brain barrier being crossed and my body fighting against that. Thank God my body was strong enough to succeed. I don't think it causes autism either but I do think it enhances it plus adds other problems.

Lola said...

I'm very much an advocate for informed decision making in regards to vaccination. I've never really researched much about autism and vaccination. The little I have read has given me the impression that some children may be more susceptible to toxic effects and now I want to research the relation between leaky gut and bad reactions.

It definitely seems to me that you do a wonderful job taking care of your boys. Thanks for being so open about your struggles.