Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, May 30, 2014

music and updates for a friday night

I am LOVING this song lately.. I can't stop listening to it....

as well as this song....

Actually.. i'm just really enjoying needtobreathe in general. I think they are part of my life soundtrack for this year. As well as "Rend Collective" and "Mumford and Sons". (if you have never heard Rend Collective they are a worship band from northern Ireland.. check here and here for two of my favorite songs from them)

Marissa asked in a previous post how my foot was. As you may or may not know I injured my foot running a 12 mile run back in January. Fast forward now almost 5 months and it is still not back to "normal". What happened was I got a bone "flair"... basically a part of my bone flaired out, or fractured and it is rubbing against 2 different tendons that run along the top and the bottom of my foot which causes pain and swelling when I overdue it. SO, as of today I still am not able to run, BUT I can hike or walk at least 5 miles without swelling or pain, so I think the road to recovery is happening. Slowly but surely. It may be a while before I am able to run again or if at all. So that's where THAT is!

We are hitting the end of spring here and the beginning of summer. The weather is warming and my heart is turning towards camping and hiking. We have a trip planned very soon ( I don't like to put specific dates on here for safety's sake), so be prepared for some camping/mountain/exploring pictures. I can feel the mountains, the waterfalls, wildflowers, starry nights and alpine lakes calling me!

There are some changes happening here... slow changes... things that may not be seen for many years, but changes. I am feeling excited about them, and looking ahead to what these changes mean for our family. That's about all I am going to into that. If you are curious I don't mind talking about it on a more private platform... so send me a message and i'll be more then happy to share :) I'm just not ready for our family changes to be public yet :)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Because someday i might write a book...

I have a friend, well I have a few friends, but this specific friend that I was talking to today is convinced that I am going to write a book about all of my "experiences" as a mom with fantastically wonderfully different kids. She also thinks I will be a motivational speaker.
I was telling this friend about our experience at church this morning ( which I LOVE LOVE LOVE our church family and the bonds we have made and how amazing they all are and how we are at church on average 1 to 2 sundays a month ( if we are lucky) but they are so loving and supportive (not just AT church) of our family). Anyway, run on sentence, rabbit trail, way to many ( ) sorry.

So I was telling her about how Daniel was being silly and crazy and running around and not listening at sunday school ( love his teachers, love all the helpers, this isn't about them, he was just being a stinker) so I once again left the adult sunday school class to go hang out with him. Honestly, I actually took a deep breath and had to hold back some tears before I left the class. Last fall he was doing so great and actually enjoying sunday school, but life is back and forth with him, so lately he has yet to get through a whole hour of sunday school without difficulty. This morning when I woke up I thought about not going, just so I wouldn't be disappointed with him if he wasn't able to handle it again. But i held unto hope and he said he wanted to go. So when he wasn't able to handle it, my heart sank a little and I felt defeated, I felt like we had gained so much ground with him, just to see it recede again.

When I found him, running away from the poor helper outside, I just stayed calm and we went back to the room to hang out. Calm... something I aim for these days.. just stay calm... life is different, and it's OKAY. Just stay calm. sigh.

So I tell her this story and she tells me that I need to write a book so I can encourage other parents who raise these amazing kids. And I told her I guess so.. but feel like i'm only in chapter 5 of my life book so it's going to take a while. I also will OBVIOUSLY need a very good editor.. because let's face it, my writing is terrible, BUT i've got some crazy awesome stories that I think would encourage other people.

And you my friends will be in my book.. my faithful friends (near and far) who have enriched my life with kind words and listening to my days and thoughts, and supporting me through the crazy times... maybe my words can heal, or help others not feel so alone. Because I know what it's like to feel alone, so I write this story down, because someday I might write a book.... and I want to remember.

Friday, May 16, 2014


A friend sent this quote to me as an encouragement. I had never heard the quote before. So here you go, it is by c.s. lewis and it is called "Transformed"
"Imagine yourself as a living house.  God comes in to rebuild that house.  At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing.  He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised.  But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense.  What on earth is He up to?  The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of- throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards.  You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage; but He is building a palace.  He intends to come and live in it Himself".


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A day for the beach..

I HATE the sand... but I love the water. This makes for an interesting combination when it comes to going to the beach. Today in our part of the pacific northwest we had a BEAUTIFUL day of 90 degree sunny weather. A friend and I packed up the kids and took the hour drive to the coast to play in the water.
Here is our day...

 On the way...
we made it!

Joshua loving the water

Elijah preferred the sand

Daniel had the best time in the water, though I stayed close to him because I was worried about him being swept away because he has no sense of caution when it comes to water!

running from the waves

A huge wave came up and totally splashed Daniel and I..... I had no pockets so I was carrying my ipod in my brazier and the water splashed up and got it totally soaked so I was saying "OH NO" and my friend totally captured my expression!
and they slept most of the way home!

like I said.. I love the water, hate the sand. I'm going to go shower now because I can feel the little grains EVERYWHERE!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

looking back

OKay, okay.. I know I've been gone for a while. I've been thinking about this space again and writing. SO this is for you.. especially Kmarie, because I know you are my main blogger/ reader friend and I know you miss when people drop off the radar!

I was reading through some old posts and I happened upon this one which was written a little over a year ago... .. go read it and then come back here.

Daniel now drinks out of a cup great. Honestly, It took A LOT of time, and A LOT of patience, but he does it. And I love that I have my thoughts and feeling written down at that time about how I was feeling and what was going on... I love that I can look back and reflect and see how things have changed... and I think it's time to return to this space so that next year, I can look back and say "AHA... LOOK HOW FAR WE HAVE COME"..

this is good for me...

So hello again blog world, and blog friends near and far. welcome back to reading my unending run on sentences, terrible grammar, scattered thoughts, and my families strange, sometimes exciting, sometimes boring happenings.