Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

a few of my favorite things...

Here are a few of my favorite things...

and in honor of Joshua's birthday and my birthday (only a short week away), I am giving away these things!
All you need to do is comment on this post on what your favorite things are and you will be entered. It will be open to enter until noon on February 3rd... my birthday, and as usual Joshua will draw the winner :)


Jamie said...

I am totally drawing a blank about my favorite things. Umm... hot chocolate! And a good book! That's a good start. :)

Alfie and Maria said...

You probably know most of my favorite things!! Plants and flowers, good books, white chocolate (especially with almonds), tea, really good fruit... so many favorite things...

Marissa said...

How fun! my favorite things tonight...a soft pudgy face snuggled in the curve of my neck, cream earl grey tea, a freshly stocked fridge and freezer :)