Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, October 31, 2009

I spent most of the day today cleaning out closets and going though clothes. Many garbage bags later and well organized closets i'm a happy woman. I'm not going to lie, I love having a clean and organized house. We have far to much stuff! I can't wait to condense down more in the future for a move to Minnesota. Lord willing of course. Right now our goal is to move to Minnesota. It would be great to move by the summer, but it may be another couple of years. We can get so much more for our money there, and we just really feel that Matt would be able to grow his business bigger there, then he can here in washington. We do love washington and we will miss living so near the mountains and ocean, but minnesota offers up it's own beauties. We are looking into possibly buying a small farm so that we can raise some cattle! That's exciting to me... i've always had this strange like for cows. I grew up in the city but really my heart is in the country. I want to learn to can my own veggies and make jam and just live a more "home grown" life. We'll see were the Lord leads and how he guides us. It's really in his hands.

As for the cleaning thing, it fell through. A little dissapointing, but life happens and things are always changing.

I enjoy weekends and having Matt around. The boys are happier and I love being a family! I wish the weekends lasted longer!

ANd now some pictures! The first picture is what happens when Daddy watches the baby outside... LOTS of mud! The second is just Elijah being cute and the last is an attempt at a family picture!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There are possible changes coming... some sooner then others

Sooner: a new cleaning job for me (Kristin)
Later: Moving to Minnesota (at least this is a dream and tenitive goal to work towards right now).. still not sure if it will happen, but something to look forward to!
That's all i have for now... oh.. and some pictures

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall Days

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I found some pictures i took a couple years back when Joshua was just a baby. we were visiting the Oregon Coast. I love taking pictures and i love lighthouses. My dream one day is to drive the coast and visit as many lighthouses as we can!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I never thought i would hear the word "pirate" spoken so much in one day. I guess it comes from having boys... pirates, monsters, dinosaurs, ect... It would be strange to hear about princesses and flowers and girly things all day.

Today has been a longer day. I'm ready for the boys to be sleeping but they aren't yet. Daniel and Elijah and in bed but not sleeping and Joshua is outside with Matt.

So i've been reading this book written by a man who has autism. He has such an interestingstory and it's been encouraging/enlightening to read it. I don't think that he ends up being a christian but he had a couple of observations on christianity that i found interesting and wanted to share...

"I was on shaky ground with all these christians, I could never tell what the rules were with them. Every Christian you meet has a different interpretation of God's word, a tottaly different view of mortality and they all think they're right."

How true is that?
Our first visit to pick pumpkins. Overall it was okay.. Joshu enjoyed it the most. Daniel wasn't to thrilled about being in a new place and also i think the hay from the hayride was bothering him. Anyway... here a a couple of pictures i was able to snap of them.

Friday, October 9, 2009

New Rig

We got a new vehicle! Hopefully we'll put many many miles on it exploring and making memories!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

C is for Cookie

Today we made some gluten free dinosaur cookies...

Rolling out the dough

Cutting out the cookies

Matt walked by and thought it this was the funniest thing and had to take a picture..
(yes those are MY hand prints... I'm not sure why i do this but i tend to wipe my hands on my skirt if they are covered in flour... i know this may make you never want to eat at my house again but i promise you i am a very sanitary cook! )

Mommy Dinosaur and baby Dino playing

mmm yummy cookies done and ready to eat

Oh NO... The Dino is going to be eaten!

Chomp... yum yum

(that's ketchup on his nose from dinner!)

I tried to get him to decorate them but he just wanted to eat them... maybe tomorrow.
Oh and i CAN'T put up a picture post without putting up a picture of Elijah!

What a charmer!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Is it just me or are these the cutest boys EVER?!?!?!?!?!!!!

They are always climbing on Matt whenever he is home!