Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, May 24, 2012

results are back. No clots in the brain, and nothing abnormal on the MRI. I'm relieved, but also frustrated... i was hoping for more of an answer then just another thing to add to my symptom list on the fibro scale. I'm hoping a visit to my naturalpath will help get this figured out!
Thank you all for prayers and support!
MRI went well, I didn't freak out from being in a small space. Should hear results within in the next 24 hours.
Now I am going to go to bed because my dizziness kept me up all night.


6:45am MRI tomorrow... well technically today... so in 6 or so hours from now.

hoping for some answers ...

mom has been here for a week and she leaves for the airport tomorrow...

leaving for a LONG road trip to Minnesota in less then two weeks!

Lots of plans to make.

Lots of things... happening...

interesting... scared?... calm.... excited...


sorry for the random "what if i die post"... i have no feeling that i am soon to pass out of this world or anything... i just think like that sometimes... don't mean to scare ya'all!~

Sunday, May 13, 2012

the best present...

If you look closely you can see it.

Today Daniel wrote his name on his own...

this triumph is big in a neuro-typical child's life...

but it's even BIGGER

in my oh so special son's life!


So proud of my boy for overcoming neurological barriers that make life difficult for him to communicate!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday morning thoughts

I lay and listen and wonder.

The dryer is running, the dishes are drying, the boys are sleeping.

who will do this if i'm gone?

I'm affraid to die.

Not in a way that most people think... I'm affraid to die because... what would they do without me?

hmmm that sounds self centered, like their world revolves around me... but in a way it does.

He wouldn't be able to pursue dreams as well without a helpmeet beside him.

They wouldn't get daily love, support and attention from a heart that pumped the blood to nurish them for those months in wait the arms that held and loved them the years after.

Nobody knows them like i do, nobody loves them like i do.

I think about death. I think about leaving this earth. I'm not scared for myself, i'm scared for them. And that's why i can't die.

Sometimes i fall asleep and wonder if my heart will stop beating in the night. Sometimes i go for a walk or drive somewhere and think what would happen right now if i have a stroke.

I have blood clotting issues. I have circulation issues, and for some reason my heart and veins like to give me the runaround.

With these recent strange events going on with my brain ( as i am typing this, the hearing in my right ear fades in and out... and this morning while i was asking elijah if he wanted milk in his cereal instead of milk i asked if he wanted worms.. yep .. worms) i can't help but think about it. There is a very real possibility that i have a blood clot in my brain and it's just waiting to explode.

What if i don't die? What if i just become totaly useless and unable to communicate or move before my brain becomes damaged from a sudden stroke?

I have close friends who know me and love me and know i think this way. One of my closest reasured me she would come out and visit me one last time before i died if it was something serious, though she told me it was nothing and i was being silly. I love her, she gets me. Though she knows i am talking in all seriousness that i expect her to come out here if i'm diagnoised with some stage 4 brain cancer... MARIA!


Why not? Why wouldn't he let that happen? People die, familes are broken, life can suck big time. Why should i be spared, or my family be spared from pain, from death.

we need it. We need pain and death. We need the reminders and cycles of life. Life would be so ... absent without pain and death. I know some wouldn't agree with me on this and that's fine. but there is, believe it or not, great purpose and beauty in pain and death.

I'm still affraid though, for my family.

But obviously I can't see the big plan... and some would say " well if you die then that means God has something even better planned for ________, and He will heal them of their broken heart"

I mean i know God has a plan but i don't agree that it would be better. (hmm that sounds self centered too! mememememe) Let me put it this way... I think it's okay to have a broken heart. I think it's okay to have gut wrenching pain and loneliness and complete and utter desperation where you are barely hanging by a thread because of pain, suffering and loss. It's okay to not be okay.

I might fall asleep and not wake up tomorrow. I might fall asleep and wake up every morning for the next 60+ years. I have no idea...

I'm working on being okay with that. Well i guess i have to be okay with that right, because it's not in my control.

And really...


i'm starting to let that go....

i'm letting go of being scared of what my family will do without me and being okay that things might fall apart in a big way. they probably will... but i do have hope that in the end it will all end up okay...somehow.. and there is purpose.
Maybe that's how my stepdad felt in the end.. maybe that's why he clung so tightly to healing and resotoration on this earth. It wasn't for him, it was for us... for his family.

What are you affraid of?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

10 little ducks that i once knew....

Can you see her or him better now? we have 10 hatched so far... 9 little ducks are hiding under their mother and one came out to say hello. As you can see there are more eggs, so we probably will have more ducks over the course of the next 24 hours.

In other news, feeling like a bucket load of crap the headache, dizziness, general feeling of mental slowness, and numbness are all still present. I have an appointment with the neurologist tomorrow morning, and i'm hoping that we can get this figured out. Prayers for answers are appreciated!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I Spy....

Do you see what i see?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This is a good read as well...
Lots on my mind lately. I really want to share, but what's really important to me right now is spending time with my family and taking care of my, of late, oh so fragile health. Until I can feel like I am doing those two things well, posts will probably be pictures. Thank you dear friends, I will share soon.

Until next time, I found this post worthy of sharing....

Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's the season for exploring and discovering....


Thursday, May 3, 2012

just pictures

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm still here. I'm in a very busy season right now... But I wanted to let you know I am still here... So much I want to write about, but my bed and my husbands warm body is calling me to rest and renew for another day. I will leave you with two things... First, no news on what is causing strange symptoms yet. next week I have an appointment with our naturalpath and with a neurologist. Second, happy May, I'll try to write soon.