Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, December 31, 2009

this and that

Our Happy birthday Jesus celebration went as well as could be expected. Once Matt got home from work we talked about how it was Jesus birthday and then we lit the candle on the birthday cake and sang happy birthday. Then we had birthday cake and ice cream and opened presents! I'm excited to do this every year with the boys! Here are some pictures of eating the cake!

Joshua excited about his gluten- dairy free cake and ice cream... YUMMY

As usual Daniel isn't to interested!

Elijah always asks before he eats something... "What's that?" We told him is was birthday cake and it was yummy but he wasn't very convinced.

I'm looking forward to this year. There is a lot of potential change. I don't really have any "New Years Resolutions". I guess if I had to pick a resolution to work on is to just be that much closer in step with the Lord. That is my highest goal, to be SO close to my savior that everything else just falls into place and that whatever storm or wave may be thrown my way I can say "It is WELL with my soul". Really... this world isn't my goal... this is NOT my final destination. Stuff is just stuff, and it's all going to burn away and rot and be forgotten, but my soul will live on. I think i will always be unrested until I'm with the Lord. I will never feel fully at home or at peace until then, which is okay. I don't want to be comfortable in the world... i don't want to feel like "I never want to die because i love it to much". The ONLY reason right now that I think would be hard to leave this world would be knowing that I would be leaving my wonderful husband and three beautiful boys behind (and various family and friends). But I know that God is a bigger than i can even imagine and He is more equipped to take care of them then i am. So my home isn't here... my heart does have a huge chunk here, but my home and my heart is set on Heaven and being with the Lord.

Better is one day in your courts
than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
than dwell in the tents of the wicked. -Psalm 84:10

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Joshua cuddling with a puppy

Happy, active Daniel

Elijah, my little treasure!

I wish i had the time and energy to write a nice long update... but i don't. So here's the short version...
Elijah is walking EVERYWHERE. He is so cute and SO proud of himself. He grows more and more every day and he never ceases to amaze me. He truly is a treasure and a blessing from the Lord.
Daniel has been SUPER busy lately... lots and lots of energy. Today when Matt was leaving for work I was holding Daniel and I said "BYE DADDY"... Daniel waved and said "bu". That was exciting for us because he used a sound in a way that made sense! YIPPIE... talking days are almost here. I've started potty training hard core this week... he sits on the potty every 25 minutes in hopes that i will be able to get him to go in the potty. Once he does i know he will get it.
Joshua is doing fantastic. He is such a sensitive, smart, and loving child.
Well it's time to go put Daniel on the potty! Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!!! I'll post on our Happy birthday Jesus celebration another time :)

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Since having children who are sensitive to everything i've been doing gobs and gobs of research. My newest passion has been the teflon cookware... check out this article, do some of your own research and start thinking about what chemicals you are putting into you and your child's body...

There is some nasty stuff out there... call me crazy but I am going to try my hardest to continue to rid my family of as much toxins as possible.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

We came home from matt's parents hosue to a christmas surprise... 9 puppies!
7 girls and 2 boys!

Saturday, December 19, 2009



And just plain cute...

(Daniel using his new PECS (picture exchange communication system)

6 years

6 years ago i married the most amazing man. God has blessed me beyond measure with such a loving husband.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I have boys. Not one, not two, but three loud, energetic, testosterone filled boys. Everyday is filled with super heroes, cars, pirate ships, exploring,wrestling and wars. At night after my little warriors are asleep for the day I breath a sigh a relief for the calm refuge of the night. I go through each room and discover knights and dragons dispersed among cars and marbles, and know that tomorrow will be another big adventure for them. Each morning i wake up to the sounds of laughter and yelling and running and jumping and even sometimes screaming. My boys are ALL boy and I love them SO much. But there are times like last night, where my heart just grieves. I so very much want a girl. I want a daughter. I have a couple of friends who have had little girls and i envy them. Some people try to make me feel better and tell me all the reasons that girls are hard to raise. Yes i understand that girls are different, but that does not stop the longing in my heart to have a daughter. Last night I was praying and talking to God and i just felt him loving on me. I know that he has a purpose and a reason why he gave us boys. I'm not sure if that means that he is opening our heart to adoption some day or what.. but i feel like he is telling me I will get a chance to have a daughter. I love the prospect of adoption, but I've seen how hard it can be on families especially when there is special needs involved such as FAS. God is a big God and I'm sure that if he wanted to we would be able to have more children biologically, but that's ENTIRELY up to Him. I think that he has many daughters in store for me... maybe none will be biological or have our last name, but they will be spiritual daughters. The Lord knows His plans and i just need to rest in His peace that He knows what He's doing and TRUST in His unfailing love. So until the day that he puts a daughter in my path (however it may be) I will continue to love my boys and raise them to be follows and warriors for the Lord the best way I know how.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Things are coming together for a move to Minnesota... we're hoping to have a job, sell the house and be moving out there in March or April. There is A LOT to do before then but I'm confident that we will get it done and I'm just SOOOOOO excited to be moving back to my home state! I am going to miss the northwest, but i know that we will be able to visit often with Matt's parents being out here. Please continue to keep us in your prayers about job stuff.

Brr it's been cold here lately... brrr.. getting us ready for the Midwest!

Roxy is down to the last stretch of her pregnancy... we are expecting puppies within the next 5 days! Maybe sooner...

Hmm i was going to write more but I'm just to tired... so enjoy some pictures and maybe i will muster up enough energy tomorrow to share more!

Elijah has discovered his brothers superman doll and now is one of his favorite things to play with.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New camera pictures! :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


In honor of my very best friend who I could not survive day to day life without....

Oh sweet December filled with cold and snow
And Christmas carols ringing through the air,
You bring with you warm thoughts of hot cocoa
Beside the fire in a comfy chair.
Outside there is a frozen country pond
Just perfect for some ice skating and fun;
The season's foods of which we are so fond
Will soon be coming from the oven- done!
The icicles outside are beautiful
All hanging from the houses' snowy eaves,
And inside are the bulbs so whimsical
That decorate each branch upon the trees.
Here with each other we can share the love
Of Him who sent His Son from up above.

-Maria Taylor 2003

Miss you friend... can't wait to see you again!