Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, December 31, 2012


We're breaking up...
I learned so much about myself, what i can and cannot handle and what i want for myself and my family...
I am ready to move on..
so we're done.
I will cherish the good memories and try to learn from the bad ones...
But I will move on.
Goodbye 2012, you have taught me much.
On this last day of 2012 God sent snow. Now for some, snow is no big deal, but for us it's a rarity. Since i was young i always loved snow. I always felt so special when it would snow on my birthday ( which growing up in Minnesota happened about 90 percent of the time in the winter.. but still i felt special). So today it snowed, and whenever it snows it's a special message from God for me. He whispers
*You are loved*
*I will make you new*
*I am here*
*everything will be alright*
This past year i've learned many lessons and i have traveled paths i never intended to travel..
But today... tonight..
i rest, and feel peace and hope for the coming year.
I know He is here.
And i hope that this year I will continue to keep my heart and hands open to all that God has planned for my life.

and maybe..
hope for a little more snow this winter.


Kmarie said...

Wishing you a fond hello into the new year:) Lovely snow:)

nyssa said...


Leanne said...


I needed to hear that He is here, I am loved....

I loved this post!