Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, December 21, 2012

Honestly this may be hard to read but may give some perspective...

My heart breaks for the families that lost children and teachers in the shooting last week. It's so terrible...  the world is a terrible place... I personally don't think gun control is the answer...  and I think we need to stop heaping the blame on different people ( school officials, mental health community, government, media, ect...) 

Did you know that there have been multiple attacks in China over the past few years on kindergardeners and preschoolers? China has very strict gun laws... yet their children are still getting attacked... not with guns.. with Knives, Machetes, axes, hammers... ect....

Do your own research and look it up.

 Actually the same day that the innocents lost their life in Connecticut there was an attack in china on little children... did you hear about that?

So to say the answer is to get rid of all guns... well i think that is a bit ignorant because you can't fix peoples hearts by taking away a gun... they just find different weapons...

 Obviously this kind of sicking child killing is not just happening in the North America ( i am an American and i firmly believe that  North Americans are super self centered and have a problem thinking that the world revolves around themselves... North Americans are such a SMALL PERCENT OF THE POPULATION  people.. and don't get me started on the evils that are done to children all over the world this very minute)... it's happening EVERYWHERE. We live in a world that is becoming more and more wicked...

Open you eyes please... Don't live in fear, but also realize that we are living in some pretty scary times and it is important to be aware of that. Morals are at an all time low... everything goes... there is no sanctity of life... the best we can do is raise up a generation that has MORALS.. RESPECT FOR OTHERS and RESPECT FOR LIFE! 


 Sorry for rambling... just had to get those thought out there!


Joel and Renée said...

Amen. I'll say it again, Amen! (I like it when you ramble by the way.) *smile* it's a wicked world, but God is still good, so with that I will wish you a Merry Christmas!! Because Jesus can change anyone's heart! Hallelujah! ~Renee

My Little Warriors said...

I totaly agree Renee! Jesus can change anyones heart if they let him!

Kmarie said...

Yup I read all those. SO sad. Although Philip pointed out that always it has been that bad...those evils...and that in this time of history it seems more profound because it happens way less. Villages and towns are not at war all the time- pillaging and still happens but it is not as prominent. It was a good reminder to me because I was freaking out. And then I realized he is right. Evil has always been with us...but so has great good. And yes we do need to have better conversations, love and understanding.
May peace find your spirit in these struggling times. I really understand. xoxo