Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, December 27, 2012

more pictures

For Christmas we went over to matt's parents house and we got to see my little nephew.. he is walking now which is just so weird.. we haven't seen him for over a month so it was strange! 

These were pictures that my mom took. Despite the situation that is going on with my sister it was not a christmas full of drama which was good. Mom wanted her girls to be together for christmas and it  worked out okay. There is a lot to the story but Matt and I still feel released from the situation. It was very nice to see Martin, but we no longer feel responsible for him, which is so freeing.
Anyway... that's all i want to go into it... maybe i'll scrounge up some more pictures over the next few days!
In other news...
My husband blessed me with a new GAS EFFICIENT car... YAY... so it will be much nicer on the pocket book to drive little blue (that's what i call our new car) around then our big suv ( we are still keeping because we need it to haul llamas and do mountain driving)! Maybe i'll take a picture for you!
Anyway,, Happy Thursday!

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