Jesus has the biggest one... it's purple.
I like purple and i do not think Jesus would feel offended that his stocking is purple because after all he is a King....
And what better color to represent THE King then purple!
So every year since we've hung Jesus' purple stocking we ask the kids what we should give Jesus for Christmas ( it is the day we celebrate his birthday after all... so i think he should get a present too). This year we asked Joshua what we should give Jesus for his birthday. Joshua thought for a little bit and then said " AFRICA". Joshua wanted to give Jesus Africa for Christmas... which is a sweet thought... so i told him that it would be pretty hard to give Jesus Africa for Christmas ( as it is a continent after all) . I did tell him though that we can help a child who lives in Africa and be friends with them. He thought that was a cool idea. So we went online and found a little boy through world vision ( i prefer gospel for Asia when supporting kids. but gospel for Asia doesn't operate in Africa, so we take what we get!)... His name is Bikila and he is from Ethiopia and he is Joshua's age. Joshua picked him... and he is super exited to have a friend in Africa to write to. He said the first thing he is going to do is write him and ask if Bikila has seen elephants. Joshua is already planning his trip to go to Africa to visit him. Maybe one day he will go.. maybe one day we will be my little traveler... Right now the two things he wants to do when he gets older is be a teacher and go to Africa. Maybe he will go to Africa someday and be a teacher there!
Do you believe that Christmas is Jesus' birthday? I know it isn't literally, but do you celebrate it that way? I want to encourage you this year, if you do celebrate Christmas as Jesus' Birthday, ask yourself what can i give Jesus this year? Maybe it's just a simple thank you, maybe it's a gift of a few dollars to the man that stands at the corner at the grocery store, or whatever you feel in your heart...
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ - Matthew 25:40
Its a great idea to do things for others too! Wonderful. I love sponsoring children:)
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