Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

P is for pppp

Joshua has been working on his alphabet and the sounds that letters make. Often throughout the day as he is sounding out letters he will say something like this...

"H is for pppppppppp Horse"

"D is for pppppppppp Dog"

but mostly he says..

"P is for ppppppppp PIRATE"

He is so sweet! When i correct him and we work on what different sounds letters make he gets it right... but when he is playing on his own or talking to himself he almost always makes every letter sound like "P".
Speaking of pirates, i found The Swiss Family Robinson at the thrift store and I'm so excited to read to Joshua. It was only 1.25 and it's in great condition and is a hard back! We'll be starting it after Christmas time. I also picked up The adventures of huckleberry Finn, and the first two books in the Hardy Boys series. Though i have never read the Hardy boys, I've just heard about them, So I'll need to read through them first.
What were your favorite books to read while you were a child?


Jamie said...

My favorites were the Anne of Green Gables series and Little House on the Prairie series. Keith and I are reading aloud the LHotP series right now - we love it!

Megan said...

Nancy Drew and The Little House on the Prarie as well. :)

Marissa said...

There is a really great animal series by Thornton Burgess...20 books in all, my brothers loved them as did Dan. They actually teach a lot about animals too. Also the Trumpet of the Swan by EB White (Charlotte's Web author).

My Little Warriors said...

Jamie- I've never read anne of green gables but i loved the movie series. I've read all of little house on the prairie and I've even visited a few of the areas where Laura Ingles Wilder grew up as they were located in the midwest where i grew up! I'm not to sure if my boys would like little house on the praire or not...

Megan- I never read Nancy Drew! Though one day i want to...

Missy- I'll have to look into those books, They sound like something my boys would LOVE as they love animals!!!!