Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hope and potty training

Today there was a parent meeting at the school where Daniel receives speech therapy. They are kind enough to provide childcare for all of my boys during the parent meetings so that I am actually able to attend. The teachers at the school are very familiar with our family, as Joshua attended the same school a couple of years back for his special ed. therapy. It was fun to come in with all three boys and for them to see how well Joshua has been doing and how much Elijah has grown (most of them only met him as a small infant). The boys had a great time and where well taken care of. After the parent meeting I came into the class room where they were playing and a teacher approached me about Elijah. She said that he was so advanced and friendly and that when he was old enough they would love to have him as a peer model. For those of you who are not familiar with programs for special needs children, what is common place is that they will have "peer models" in a room full of children who have developmental disabilities to show the children how a "typical" child interacts. IT is actually a very effective tool in educating autistic children who have issues with social behaviour. Let me tell you I was SO excited that they wanted Elijah to be a peer model for other children. It was just so reaffirming and to be honest, healing. After having two children who have unique needs and require extra care and attention in life, it is such a blessing to be told that you have a child that can lead others! I told them that Elijah has just been such a blessing and with him being so social and verbal I just thank Jesus for all he has done! :) I'm not to sure how they took it (this is a public based special education school) but I don't mind praising Jesus and giving Him the glory for my children. After feeling like hope slowly has been fading away over the past couple of years, I feel like God is restoring that hope. And for that... i feel SO blessed!
Speaking of hope and children... I have tried to potty train Daniel on and off for the past year and a half to know avail. Daniel is 4, really it's time for him to be OUT of diapers. It's been a long road... because he was unable to communicate verbally for so long and because of certain sensory issues each attempt at potty training would fail, but i think we FINALLY have it down! For the most part he pees in the potty... we are still working on the poo part.. but a major hurdle has been cleared! YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!! Seriously.. i can not tell you have wonderful it is to NOT be changing his diaper after 4 years! He's so cute... when he is done or if he doesn't have to go but he tried he will clap his hands and say "yay" to let me know he's done. Such a sweet heart he is! Now hopefully Elijah will be ready soon and we will be OUT of diapers forever... because i have been changing diapers for almost 6 year straight here.. and there has only been about 5 days in the past 6 years that i have not changed a diaper!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yay for Daniel! And Elijah!