Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Christmas Tree Story

For the past couple of years, Matt's parents have been so kind and have bought us a real Christmas tree. This year the snow kept me and the boys at home on the day we would usually go with Matt's mom to get the Christmas tree. We tentatively planned to go once the snow was cleared enough to drive up and down the driveway, but Joshua and I were getting impatient. We wanted our tree up and we wanted to decorate it on the day we were planning! I guess you could say i have a bit of OCD and when plans get changed it's hard on me. With all of the snow we've had, the trees are not use to the weight and many of the weaker ones tend to fall down during snow storms here. There was one particular pine tree that had fallen over and unto the road. It was only slightly blocking the road half fallen over, so no one had yet bothered to take care of it. When our Christmas tree plans got changed i instantly thought of the pine tree down the road. It was about 20+ feet tall and VERY green. Last night Joshua kept going on and on about how he wanted a Christmas tree and asking when we were going to get one. The snow had melted enough that night to be able to go up and down the driveway (well at least for me, matt had been fine driving up and down, but i do not like driving on the cliff when it's snowy!). I decided that we were going to go load up and drive down and cut that tree and bring it up... 8pm at night, in the rain. Joshua and I got into the durango and went down the hill and started to work on cutting the tree all the way down and the cutting off just the top part. As much as i would have liked to put the WHOLE tree in the house, it was much taller then our house when all was said and done. We got it cut up loaded into the truck and then we headed back up to home and brought it in. The look on Matt's face was sceptical... like he thought the kids wouldn't like it. As soon as we brought it in Daniel was jumping up and down and Elijah was saying "WOW, it's a tree." We trimmed the branches back and put it into the tree stand. It took only one string of lights to cover. It is most certainly a "charlie brown" tree. My boys didn't care. They dug through the box of ornaments and joyfully started hanging them on the tree. Matt and I just sat back and watched. This is the first year that all of the kids really got into it and it was just such a huge blessing to see them so excited. Matt told me about the times that he went down to Mexico and how the kids were always so happy, and they didn't have much. He thought that our kids wouldn't want a tree that wasn't full and beautiful to the average person. I think it was a learning experience for Matt in that the kids don't need expensive "perfect" things to make them happy... that if we teach them to be thankful no matter what they have and that we make the event fun, then it's not going to matter if the Christmas tree was picked out at a Christmas tree farm for 40 bucks or hauled out of our woods for free. That was just a cool part of the night.
I've been thinking about this tree that we have sitting in our living room. It was growing in a forest on a hill with a beautiful view, and I'm sure with it's height it was starting to outgrow the alders around it. It has seen it's share of summers, autumns and winter storms. This last winter storm brought it down and it's life of fighting and growing came to an end. It was sadly waiting to be moved from the road and then just thrown back into the woods so that cars could pass by freely. But not it has a new purpose. To bring joy to a small family. To remind us of hope and eternal life in Jesus. This tree reminds me of rebirth. It reminds me that the Lord brings new life through circumstances that seem like they are the end. Even though it's not full of branchs and standing straight.. it's one of the most beautiful trees to me. It may only display lights and ornaments for the next month, but it's still a warming and reminding thought for me to think about rebirth in Christ, even through imperfection.
So without further ado... a glimpse of our tree! This was taken with Matt's laptop built in camera and it's terrible! But you'll be able to see it!

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