Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, October 10, 2010


So here's a little background for you. When we put our fences up Matt told me that we could get a cow next spring time. I had talked about getting a heifer and raising her and breeding her. There was much discussion and we decided that maybe the best way to go first would be to get a bull calf, band him , grow him up and then butcher him to see how it would go to have a cow and then we could pursue the heifer breeding route. Cows and one of my FAVORITE animals so anyway we could get one was fine with me.. i told Matt that i would treat the cow, even if we were going to butcher it, like a pet.
SO i put up an ad on craigslist looking for a Jersey bull calf. Someone e-mailed and said that they had a Swiss brown bull calf. After some back and forth she said she also had a Holstein heifer that was 3 months old that was recovering from an injury that she was trying to find a home for. Well i started to get pretty excited because my dream of owning a female cow and breeding her started to come true. Matt said "let's do it" and I've been a bit excited ever since. Her injury was that she was bitten by a dog and her leg got infected. She was taken to auction, but they were just going to butcher her so this lady that I've been talking to saved her and has been taking care of her. The calf has only been getting better, but she will still need extra attention for a little while to make sure that she continues to heal. We will be picking her up next Wednesday after our mini vacation up to birch bay. I'm SUPER excited and I can't wait!!!!
I've decided that i want to name her Penelope, I think that's a great name for a cow!
I feel like we are almost an offical small family farm :)

1 comment:

SadieAnne said...

She's so cute, Kristin!! I hope to visit your farm someday!