Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


We've had a very abnormal first couple of years raising our 2 older boys. Most of my day is filled with avoiding triggers that upset schedules for my children, Working on speech, eye contact, and "typical" play (teaching our children how to play properly with a toy and how to play with someone... not just next to them), preparing wheat and dairy free meals, getting everyone supplements correct and taken, not being able to go to church or go out for a date because of extream seperation anxiety. Yes, some of these things are needed for normal children also, BUT i mean in a much more intense way where the whole day is consumed in just working on helping your children be normal and function.
For the past couple of months as Elijah has began to really blossom into a little boy we've come to realize what a "normal" child is like and it's SO weird! Seriously.. he looks at us and asks questions and repeats words.. this is what a normal almost two year old is like! It blows our mind at how easy he is! Each and every day i feel so blessed to have a child who doesn't have special needs. And for us, him being normal is so... abnormal. Go figure.

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