Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I never thought of it that way...

Joshua has been going to the christian preschool now for a week. He LOVES it and loves being around the other children his age. This has been a hard step for me and I've been wondering if it has been the right choice. I worry about Joshua being a burden to the teachers. I think mostly that fear comes out of just always wanting to be a blessing to others, and it's hard for me to think about Joshua having a hard time and that being a blessing to someone. I was talking to Joshua's teacher after class on Friday expressing my fears on him being to much for them to handle. She told me that she enjoyed the challenge and was excited to work with him in the coming months, she also encouraged me by telling me that I CAN NOT do it on my own, and that i needed to start letting people help and not worry about being a burden. She was telling me that she was SO excited for the other kids in the class to learn how to be a good friend to someone who had special needs. She was excited that the children were able to interact with him, so that as they got older it wouldn't be such an issue and that they would be more sensitive to the special needs community. She said that they were already asking questions on how they could be a good friend to Joshua and that they wanted to help him with things. When she was telling me this I felt like i was hit by a semi truck.. My sons special needs can be a blessing to others! I never thought of it that way.. I mean i know that my boys will change peoples lives... but i guess i just thought that their testimony when they were older would make a huge impact. I never thought that today, right now, my boys are changing peoples lives for the better. Don't get me wrong, my boys change me each and every day for the better and bring me closer to Jesus ... but now i see that they can reach more then just their family. It's amazing how each and every day God reveils so much more the depth of His love and grace through my children's unique personalities. Is it possible to feel both so blessed and overwhelmed and worn out at the same time? I'm just so amazed at how God continuely reminds me of His presence, His love, His grace and continues to remind me that He has a plan and is using all things for good.

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