Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, May 30, 2014

music and updates for a friday night

I am LOVING this song lately.. I can't stop listening to it....

as well as this song....

Actually.. i'm just really enjoying needtobreathe in general. I think they are part of my life soundtrack for this year. As well as "Rend Collective" and "Mumford and Sons". (if you have never heard Rend Collective they are a worship band from northern Ireland.. check here and here for two of my favorite songs from them)

Marissa asked in a previous post how my foot was. As you may or may not know I injured my foot running a 12 mile run back in January. Fast forward now almost 5 months and it is still not back to "normal". What happened was I got a bone "flair"... basically a part of my bone flaired out, or fractured and it is rubbing against 2 different tendons that run along the top and the bottom of my foot which causes pain and swelling when I overdue it. SO, as of today I still am not able to run, BUT I can hike or walk at least 5 miles without swelling or pain, so I think the road to recovery is happening. Slowly but surely. It may be a while before I am able to run again or if at all. So that's where THAT is!

We are hitting the end of spring here and the beginning of summer. The weather is warming and my heart is turning towards camping and hiking. We have a trip planned very soon ( I don't like to put specific dates on here for safety's sake), so be prepared for some camping/mountain/exploring pictures. I can feel the mountains, the waterfalls, wildflowers, starry nights and alpine lakes calling me!

There are some changes happening here... slow changes... things that may not be seen for many years, but changes. I am feeling excited about them, and looking ahead to what these changes mean for our family. That's about all I am going to into that. If you are curious I don't mind talking about it on a more private platform... so send me a message and i'll be more then happy to share :) I'm just not ready for our family changes to be public yet :)

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

Im texting you right now:)