Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A day for the beach..

I HATE the sand... but I love the water. This makes for an interesting combination when it comes to going to the beach. Today in our part of the pacific northwest we had a BEAUTIFUL day of 90 degree sunny weather. A friend and I packed up the kids and took the hour drive to the coast to play in the water.
Here is our day...

 On the way...
we made it!

Joshua loving the water

Elijah preferred the sand

Daniel had the best time in the water, though I stayed close to him because I was worried about him being swept away because he has no sense of caution when it comes to water!

running from the waves

A huge wave came up and totally splashed Daniel and I..... I had no pockets so I was carrying my ipod in my brazier and the water splashed up and got it totally soaked so I was saying "OH NO" and my friend totally captured my expression!
and they slept most of the way home!

like I said.. I love the water, hate the sand. I'm going to go shower now because I can feel the little grains EVERYWHERE!


Kmarie said...

Aw I love it! I hate the sand too! But it looks like such fun!
How lovely!
Glad you had a fabulous day and I love that I can visualize it from your pics:)

Marissa said...

I love the ocean! These pictures are great, so alive and happy and you look so wonderful! Maybe I'm just imagining this, but I think you said you had broken a bone in your ankle or foot? Has that healed well?