Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today is our American thanksgiving! It started with my mom calling me at 6 am to tell me that my little sister (who is actually staying with us for the holiday on the other end of the house) was having contractions and to go check on her. So i got out of bed and walked down the hall and sure enough she was having some contractions. So I decided to bring her in, just to be safe. She is only 34 weeks, this is her first holiday season away from mom and Minnesota family and of course as you know we lost dad a few months ago so i think stress kicked it in and also i think she is fighting the flu. We went in and they checked her out and hooked her up. She was having regular small contractions but she wasn't dilated or anything like that and so they gave her some meds to stop contractions. They stopped and after an hour they sent us home. Now she is sleeping and I'm about to wake her up to so she can shower and we can go celebrate thanksgiving with Matt's family. I am thankful today that my nephew is still safe and sound in utero and hopefully sticking in there for at least the next 2 weeks!

Let me just tell you that this is a crazy time and according to all of our circumstances i should be feeling more stressed out then i am, but God has given grace and peace during this time.. and today that is my BIGGEST thanks!

May you have a great day, and not only today, but everyday find God's mercies and blessing in each day and find at least one thing to be thankful for a day.

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

You're sweet and I love the festive blog look:) Hope your sister stays well:)