Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, November 28, 2011

I love the quiet of the night. I use to feel like I wasn't a great mom or so spiritual because I am NOT a morning person and therefore I cannot get up before my children in the morning and have my quiet time. I have now grown enough in my understanding of the way God made me to know that it is best for me not to focus on what I think should be the mold I should fit into. I hear of so many women getting up bright and early spending time with the lord. As much as I love my Jesus , I think he would rather have me sleeping in the morning and speaking to me through my dreams. So now, when the house is sleeping and all are tucked in bed, yep, even Matt, I sit in the quiet and my soul rests. The fire glows in the wood stove and keeps me warm as well as bringing peace. It's weird to think that fire can be peaceful... But it is to me. And I'm thankful for it tonight. And the smell of the newly cut Christmas tree.

So I have a little bit of time to share something that I've been thinking about.
During this season of celebration and reflection a lot of families strive to really teach their children the meaning of Christmas. Many have traditions of advent. All of these things are great and should be done, but I just really wanted to share where my heart is on it. We could fill our children up with stories and traditions and church activities and teach them and pray for them to have a good moral character and grow up to serve the lord... But it doesn't start with teaching about advent, it doesn't come from telling about the Christ child who came to take away the sins of the world. It starts at your everyday life. The way you respond to the everyday mundane, the way you respond to unfavorable events, the way you respond to yet another disappointment, the way you deal with disscouragement, the way you speak to your spouse, the way you speak to you children. Showing them grace, love, faith, and all the things you desire your child to have starts with being Jesus to them. You and your spouse are the most tangible form of Jesus that your child will encounter in their early years. And if you really truly desire for your child to see Christ and follow, it needs to start with you and your heart. It needs to start with them seeing you in situatons where you are choosing the let Jesus shine through. So this holiday season while you are wanting your children to focus on the coming of Christ, remember to be Jesus to your child this season.. Show them Grace and mercy, love and faithfulness. And above all, choose to praise God in whatever situation you find yourself in this season. I guarantee you that your child will walk away from this seson of life more with how mommy and daddy treated them then what stories or songs or readings they went through for the season.*

*this post is not meant towards anyone... And really as a reminder to me, I just want to share and I hope that no one felt like I was attacking them personally.


Marissa said...

I love this post and thank you for the reminder. All of the wonderful things that we can do and teach during advent(or any time) are without meaning if we aren't living it as best we can. Not just for our kids but for ourselves as well.

*I know that I am one who has been sharing our traditions of advent and will say that I only appreciate your gentle words without feeling any sort of attack. I am glad that you shared your thoughts.

Susan Holt Simpson said...

Nice to think of having quiet time by a warm stove with the smell of fresh pine nearby! Loved peeking through your blog! I'm a mom of 3 sons, too, although they are all taller than me now! Enjoy your little boys and Merry Christmas!

Kmarie said...

I loved this post. Very wise. Good job. I really appreciated it;)