Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's going on?

SO much is going on ... here's some quick updates.

- Daniel will be going in the first of November for an official day of diagnosis testing. It's a full day thing, and by the end of the day the "experts" give an official diagnosis on what they think your child struggles with. He has been doing really well this summer, verbalizing even more and even imitating sounds.

- It's official... our good friends Maria and Alfie are going to come visit us in October.. I am SOOO excited!

- On a more serious note, things back at home aren't so great. My step dad who recently had kidney failure and has been on dialysis, has a lot of other health issues going on as well and he is in the hospital. Just 6 years ago he has stage 3 colon cancer and God totally healed him, and now with all of the issues he is having they found a tumor on his hip. We don't know yet if it is malignant or not... Please pray for my family in the Midwest. It's so hard being over here while stuff is going on over there. Please pray for strength for my parents, wisdom to the doctors, and God's healing touch to come down and bring health and life back to my step dad. I'm going to be headed there for a quick weekend in a couple of weeks by myself. I'm hoping the boys will be okay without me (last time i left them for longer then a night we had some serious seperation issues with Daniel).

- Hard times seem to be all around but... there is still hope.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

that is a lot to have going one, will be praying for you and your family.