Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I feel like I've been having more bad days then good lately with the kids. You know those days that you are tired of them needing something from you every ten seconds, someone is ALWAYS whining, the house never stays clean, you feel like a bucket of crap and you don't want to get out of bed in the morning and they just want to eat breakfast?? Kinda like that. Not a ton... but enough to make me a hard mommy to be around. My husband recognized my need for some alone time and he so graciously took the kids today for 4 whole glorious hours. He really blessed me this weekend...
When he got home from going out hiking with the boys we had such a nice time relaxing and watching some cartoons together. Elijah was so warn out he fell asleep snuggling with Matt.

On top of taking the kids out I got my fire pit!!!! I've wanted to start one, but Matt wasn't as excited about it as i was, but after having friends over this weekend and deciding to roast some smores we established a spot!

and he even made me a bench!

So come on over for a visit ... enjoy the animals, the view, the comapany and we can sit around the fire and share life!

Now i have a visit from my niece to look forward to and a mini vacation down to southern oregon with the inlaws, so my mommy tank has been refreshed and i'm ready for a another round. It's amazing what 4 hours and a fire pit can do to boost up my motivation level.


Kmarie said...

I have those days every day.

Sorry that it is tough,.

Love the photos and your little bench. You guys are adorable.

Leah said...

awww so nice!!! I so love your firepit and bench. I long to sit and chat with you there over a fire!!
Blessings and love,