Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, July 31, 2011

if only...

I wish there was better news, but there really isn't. To bring you up to speed, this is the basic of what is going on right now.
My step dad Ma​rty has been sick since May. His kidneys were shutting down for unknown reasons and he has been on dialysis. After scans were done on 7/26, it was discovered that his kidneys were blocked. Stents were placed to open the kidneys. The scans also detected masses on his hips and pelvis. These masses appear to be cancer and biopsies were taken. All of the results will be coming back on monday night. If you are a prayer warrior, please keep my dad Marty in your prayers, as well as my mom. This is not an easy time by any means. 7 years ago he was diagnoised with stage 3 colon cancer, so you can imagine this isn't an easy time.
Thank you friends...

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