Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, March 6, 2011

interesting vaccination information

So I've been going back and forth on getting Elijah his tetanus shot. I've been doing research and i came across a website that was very much for vaccinating but they had a section on who shouldn't be vaccinated... this is what it said.

Who should not receive these vaccines?
Generally, any person who has had a serious allergic reaction to a vaccine component or a prior dose of the vaccine should not receive another dose of the same vaccine. People who had a serious allergic reaction to a previous dose of DTaP or Tdap vaccine should not receive another dose.

Certain rare adverse events following pertussis vaccination usually serve as a precaution against receiving further doses. Such events include a temperature of 105°F or higher, collapse or shock-like state, persistent crying for more than three hours, or convulsions within three days. Even if one of these precautions exists, there may be occasions when the benefit of immunization outweighs the risk (for example, during a community-wide outbreak of pertussis). A person who developed one of these adverse events after pediatric DTaP vaccine may receive Tdap as an adolescent or adult.

A person with a recognized, possible, or potential neurologic condition should delay receiving DTaP or Tdap vaccine until the condition is evaluated, treated, and/or stabilized. Although DTaP vaccine does not cause neurological disorders, receiving the vaccine can cause an already-present underlying condition to show itself.

I highlighted the most important part.. so since two of my boys have neurological conditions... I'm thinking maybe we should hold off on Elijah. I was slightly worried about Elijah getting tetanus especially because we live on a farm... but now after lots of research on tetanus and on the vaccination (both for and against) and talking to Matt about it further, we are more on the side of not vaccinating at this time. I am planning on talking to our FABULOUS naturalpath who has really helped our boys on the road to healing... i value her opinion and she also has a farm like us, so i am interested to see what she thinks about it.

I'm open to opinions... what do you think?


Marissa said...

A friend of mine did a natural vaccinating program, I can't remember what it is called though because I really only looked into it when A was a wee baby.
I always go back and forth on some vaccines as to whether to get them (some aren't an option) but I have been reading more about children with some genetic conditions that result in vitamin deficiencies shouldn't have vaccines...and my SIL has been telling me about some genetic conditions that they are finding out about with their son who has been diagnosed as autistic and has these vitamin deficiencies...and has had some vaccines. Anyways, A had a vaccine and became quite ill which made me decide to wait on the rest and now as I research more about Celiac disease and how it can be related to these deficiencies, it seems that she should definitely not have vaccines until we get these things resolved. Anyways, that was really long winded, but it is always so hard to know hey. There is so much info to sift through and it still comes back to having to make a decision based on all that you can know.

Jamie said...

My understanding after reading "The Vaccine Book" is that children in the States have about a 1 in 500,000 risk of getting tetanus. It's something I have reconsidered a few times, but every time I look at the facts, I am convinced that our children are not at risk for getting tetanus. Does that sometimes feel scary? Yes... but I read about it again and think through it logically and have to make the decision based on the facts at hand... and to us that seems to mean there is no need for our kids to get tetanus shots. So that's where we're at with it all.