Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas Traditions

I love Christmas time. The season of winter approaching, celebrating the birth of Jesus and all the it involves. Once we had children i really wanted to make Christmas special and to emphasize that we are are celebrating the birth of Christ. Last year I found the book
"My birthday, Jesus Birthday" Written by Holly Davis. Holly compares a child's birthday to Jesus birthday and makes it very easy for a child to relate to Jesus. We read the book on Christmas Eve and after dinner we have a birthday cake for Jesus and sing happy birthday. I think it really helps the kids keep perspective and I like celebrating that Jesus was born and walked among us on earth and just the magnitude of that very thing. Also, i think Jesus likes birthdays and I know He likes being celebrated!
This year I've had friends and acquaintances talk about celebrating the season of advent. I remember advent celebrations at my church (though we really only celebrated it on the first Sunday) and the memories that it brought and how it started the Christmas season. So after being inspired by others (thank you Missy) I've done a bit of reading and talking with Matt and we've found a way to celebrate advent with the kids that we know that they will enjoy. I've never heard of it until now, but we are going to do a Jesse Tree, though with our own little twist. We are going to do most of the stories that are typical to the tradition, but we are going to trade out some of the stories for ones that are a little more familiar to the children. We will read the story for the day and talk about it and after each story we are going to put a Christmas ornament that corresponds with the story on our tree. I like going through the Bible and the leading up the birth of Christ right before Christmas and just remembering just how very much we need a saviour and just how special this season is. It's not about santa,music, presents, sweets or family (though those things and not necessarily bad) ... it's about a wicked and deprived world, needing a saviour and God in His almighty grace gave up His throne to sanctify us and redeem us and send His son to earth. That is what this season is about... it's about hope and expectation and our deep and desperate need for a God who loves and desires an intimate relationship with us. My only prayer is that my children will grow up with the true value and meaning of the christmas season.

What kind of Christmas traditions do you have and how do you celebrate Jesus' Birth?

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