Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The gentle art of learning

If you walked this journey as a friend with me for a while you know that i was home schooled as a child and I've always loved the idea, but not sure if i would implement it with my children. One of the main reasons being my husband is not 100 percent sold on the idea just yet. He does think that it's a great idea, i think that we just need to find a happy medium of what he considers schooling (sitting and doing workbooks) and what i consider is schooling (experiencing the world hands on and learning about things more naturally). I've recently ordered this book and I'm excited to be joining a group of other home school mommas in studying it together. I still have much to learn about home school and my boys are still very young, but i really feel that it's the best path for them right now,at least for the bulk of their education. Because of the boys special needs we definitely have to have a very open perspective on education and that there are some things that are just to hard to do on ones own with such a limited amount of time (like an education to teach speech therapy), but the bulk of their education i believe can come from home. I'm excited but nervous for this upcoming journey and the challenges it holds, but i feel confident right now that this is the best solution for my children. If you have never heard of the Charlotte Mason homeschooling method and you are interested in homeschooling, i encourage you to do some research on her schooling methods. I'm not through everything so i can't tell you if i 100 percent agree or not, but so far i like what I have seen.

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