Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, May 26, 2013

little moments

We have been working on drinking out of a cup with Daniel for about 3 years now. On and off for the first few years because of certain difficulties, but more so now this past year.
I've been exhausted. I've felt like giving up. Seriously.. drinking liquid out of a cup shouldn't be something so hard to do. But for Daniel it seemed like it is impossible.
I've cried about this issue and felt like a total failure because I looked into all the ways to help him and it just seemed like all the different technics where not working! He would cry and cry and just not be able to get it and freak out BAD. Poor boy.
This past week we've had a break through. After he had been crying about it and having a difficult time working on drinking, I sat him down. I told him that I knew it was hard and I knew he was sad. I knew that he worked so hard and he had to work harder then everyone else to do simple things and that frustrates him. I told him how much I loved him and that he is going to have to work extra hard to get things down.. and I know that it doesn't seem right or fair because he sees his brothers do things with ease. but he is a strong little boy, and I know that he can do it.. and that when he does, he is going to feel so great. And there are going to be a lot of things down the road that are going to come up that he is going to have to fight for, but he is a fighter and he can do it and that reward is going to be even sweeter. I gave him a hug and then we kept on working.
 I can now say he is drinking from a cup. He needs some prompting at first and reassuring that he can do it.. but after a few sips, he gathers his courage and focuses on his task and drinks from the cup!
I don't think I've been this excited since he was "potty trained" (I hate calling it that, like our children are animals or something like that, but for lack of a better word right now i'm just going to stick with it).
 Each little moment, each little step for him is such a big accomplishment. And sometimes I forget because I am with him all day and I feel like I see more struggle then victory. But there is progress and he is working so hard.
Check it out.


Joel and Renée said...

Yea Daniel!! Yea Mom!!! ~R

Kmarie said...

Very sweet for both of you...and hard work for both of you. I am proud and happy for you guys! YAY!