Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, May 13, 2013


I love music. I have always loved music. I can name hundreds of songs by the first few seconds of the song.
I live with a child who is very sensitive to noise and who is not a big fan of music. He has been this way since he was a baby. For over 6 years listening to music was a small morsel i would be able to enjoy when he was sleeping or not in the car. Sure he doesn't mind it playing in the car softly.. but if you want to listen to it at a nice decent level and sing along, NO WAY.
So a little part of happy died when he was born. OH yeah, i know that sounds dramatic... for my artistic soul it is though. I'm the kinda girl to crank up the music while i'm cleaning and dance around the house. Actually i like music just about anytime of day.... I would have it on all day and night if i could. There is something about music that touches the soul so much deeper then anything else.
 Just recently I've started running (yay) and i pulled out the MP3 player my loving husband got for me about 5 years or so ago. I pulled those headphones on and started to listen to the music.. at first i tensed up because i expected some unhappy screaming from the 6 year old playing nearby me... but nothing happened.. just beautiful music flowing and 6 year old doing his thing unaffected. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THIS SOONER??? seriously? I blasted the music.. and i danced and i am SURE that i looked crazy, silly, insane, BUT there was no screaming... there was no freaking out and running around and slamming doors and covering ears , ect.
So now at least a few times a day if you come to my house you may catch me blasting my music peacefully and dancing around the house looking like a crazy person.
 I'm adjusting... i am learning how to get back parts of my life that i thought i lost in this maze of parenting special needs kids. Sometimes it's hard to think outside the box.. sometimes it seems easier just to give up.. but I'm pressing on, learning how to adjust... Right now I'm just so happy to have music back I don't care how silly i look lip singing and dancing around the house to sounds only i can hear!


Joel and Renée said...

That's so awesome!! :)

Kmarie said...

Yay!!!! And I love sending you music:) Request anytime...I hope you liked that last compilation once it was fully listened too:) I am so happy for you- I feel the same way about music:)