Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, May 25, 2013

interesting or not.. our house this week...

we are down a duck... he was probably taken by a raccoon.. that's our guess.

I've been running for a month now... and I love it. I love having time to myself to work on staying healthy so that I can be healthy for my family. Today I walked around our lake with my mother in law and then I ran around it and it felt so good. As I was running I actually felt great. My body is feeling good.. I say with confidence now.. I AM A RUNNER. I have been saying for the few months before I started that I didn't want to be a runner.. I think mainly because of the fear of failure. But I'm past that now, and I feel great about it. There is even part of me that thinks maybe I'll try for a half marathon sometime. we'll see... baby steps.

There is llama burger thawing out on my counter. Yep.. LLAMA MEAT... Now before you jump to conclusions and think that we butchered one of my llama girls.. we didn't. Matt's mom has a friend who raises llamas to eat and I was curious at the taste of them so she gave us some. I feel a little weird knowing it is llama meat.. :S.. I mean I had no problems eating the cow that we raised and the deer we have shot, but for some reason eating llama meat feels weird! I'm thinking I am going to make it into chili.

Lately I have been enjoying the sounds of Fleetwood mac and ABBA. "SO WHEN YOU NEED ME DARLING, CAN'T YOU HEAR ME S.O.S.." :)

and now for some random pictures.

can you see it? it's the beginnings of an airplane....

He has such a great smile.

And that's it for now.. wasn't that exciting? :)

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