Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

about the birds

Matt's grandma gave us her bird feeders.. I've always wanted some bird feeders, it's just something that has never happened..
So finally we are seeing the local bird population...I've heard them for many year but living in the forest seeing them not as easy.
We have a few regulars...
My favorite is the steller jay. I'm pretty sure we only have one that comes around, this isn't the one that comes around but this is what a steller jay looks like.

We also have a lot of blackheaded grosbeaks. The darker orange is the male and the lighter colored one is a female.

I highly recommend getting some bird feeders!



Kmarie said...

Beautiful. I love the vibrancy of the orange one!;)

Joel and Renée said...

We finally set out some birdseed, but alas spring worms and bugs have caught the attention of everything except the chipping sparrow. We'll just have to be consistent even through the winter... :) Great homeschooling opp to learn about the birds! ~Renee