Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Little Victories

Seeds growing in the window sill... my husband says that seeing me garden is an oxymoron. I so desire to be a person who has a garden and I've been on and off again for the past 5 years, but i am DETERMINED to AT LEAST grow some stuff we can eat!

Sips out of a cup ... We've been working with Daniel on drinking out of a normal cup. We have tried for years to get him to abandon his sippy cup.. but with the apraxia and the sensory issues and the muscle coordination issues it's been very difficult.. but we are taking strides towards independence from the sippy cup, so YAY!

saying how i feel and offering only what i had to give- this comes back to the sister situation. She wanted something from me that if i would have given her my family would have suffered so i gave her an option on what i could offer and left it at that, and it was wonderful. I feel so much closer to releasing those bonds  that i am not responsible for. (that sounds strange but that is the best way i can describe it) Sweet freedom and release. So wonderful.

No matter how small they may seem... what are your victories this week?


Kmarie said...

Yay...all very good things that make me happy for you. Victories:
Getting through today
Mailing money
buying lemon dish detergent instead of the usual lavender just because I needed a rejuvenating spring smell more ( and was out of soap!)
Feeding the kids
Having good friends who care...

Called to Question said...

-Didn't fall off the roof
-Got my children to bed all tucked in
-Told my wife she's beautiful
- Enjoyed the little bits of sun