Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Okay seriously... If you have been reading this you know that Daniel has something called Apraxia... he actually has a very severe form of it. HIS BIGGEST obstacle right now is just imitating words. Tonight he was asking for some beans to eat in sign language and i asked him if he could say " BA" for beans. I always do this and usually he will think about it and i will see his mouth move but no sound and he just shakes his head. Though tonight he imitated right back "BA" and he did it like 5 times... and then i took a video if it which you can see here...


Sorry for the bad lighting and the "GOOD JOB" sillyness.. I just get really excited when he makes strides in his communication. :) :) :)


Kmarie said...

Oh so sweet!!! So exciting. I'm happy for you;) I love your voice too- very soothing;) it has a unexpected low timbre to it that I don't remember... You sound mature and happy;) and he looks so proud of himself;) he's darling the way his eyes light up as he connects it. What a huge step! Yay!

Joel and Renée said...

Yea!! That's great! ~Renee