Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Monday, April 29, 2013

a 10 year goal

10 years ago when i came to this town to visit my now husband, we went to the local lake to run around. Well actually i biked and he ran, because i was not in a condition to run back then. From that day i had a goal that i wanted to actually run around that lake.... well it's 10 years later and i am happy to say that i FINALY ran around the whole lake!!!! all 3.5 miles! I think maybe... just maybe i can be a runner. I never thought i would be able to do it because everytime i have tried i have failed miserably... but i think i finnaly found a shoe that works for me (i have weird foot problems), my body is finding a good balance with hormones and what not and determination to be healthy and stay there for myself and my family. Now hopefully my body will stay in tune with my determination... and now i need to find a good mix of music to run to to put on my MP3 player, any good suggestions?  :)


Kmarie said...

Wow. That's amazing . I always have wanted to run but my ankles and knees give out after the first few seconds. Oh and my hips go tight and I can't walk properly after. So I'm amazed at your journey and a tad envious. To support it I'm sending you down a peppy workout cd. You can pick and choose the songs you want by downloading it into iTunes and then transferring. I will get it made and sent today so you don't have to wait long;)

My Little Warriors said...

Thank you friend that would be awesome! I've got bad croaked toes and corns on the bottom of my feet ( eww I know) and a bad knee from a fall when I was a kid and this weird hip thing and I've had asthma and little blood clots that throw when I do high intensity stuff... So I felt like I climber Everest when I ran the whole lake... I think I am going to try to do it once a week... We'll see if my body will be okay with that... My father in law runs marathons and he says the key is just to stay consistent but whenever I get a fibro flare up or anything like that it seems like I regress... But I'm gonna hope this time will be different.

Jamie said...

That is so great!!! Good job!!