Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

And the adventures begin

well spring is here and that means for us time to go on adventures. Matt pulled out the maps and the hiking books and found us a place to go. It was BEAUTIFUL... STUNNING... just... amazing... BUT it was scary. He didn't know it was so cliffy. Yes.. you know like 100 foot drops and a narrow trail of about 2 1/2 feet in some places. Needless to say i was pretty tense and protective of the little ones in most places and we will not be doing that hike with the children again for a very... VERY long time..

Here are some pictures that i managed to snap because we had one of our amazing helpers with us. ( She is a girl who has helped out with the boys in babysitting and what not since she was 13.. and now tomorrow she turns 20!)
There was a beautiful water fall that the trail went under... I wish i could have got more pictures and had a better camera but my heart remembers the beauty so that's the most important. I'm looking forward to soaking it in without children sometime soon.


Joshua with his goofy grin


Daniel was not in the mood to get his picture taken.


Elijah did GREAT! He is really becomeing a great hiker.

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