Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life today

I love the changing of seasons. Autumn is by far, in my opinion, the best season of the year. This year it is mixed with a unique sadness and joy. Life really has changed with the seasons this year. With the loss of Marty it's started out rough... but there is hope everywhere. There is so much going on, yet life is slowly moving along. Here is a few of the things going on right now.

- we had a chicken die from infection. Her leg was stepped on by the cow, we did everything we could to keep her wound cleaned and keep her comfrotable, but she still passed away. That was a dissapointment, but life on a farm isn't all roses and long life.

-I'm really enjoying homeschooling this fall. Right now with Joshua i am focusing on what month and day it is so he can grasp the concept of seasons and time. He is catchign on fairly well. And then we are of course working on penmanship (he is gettign very good at writing and he is getting better at reading words as well.. though i only do as much as he is interested in because he is only 6 and i'm one of those people who like starting more formal schooling later in life) we are studying a continent a week and talking about what kind of animals live in that specific continent. And of course we work on numbers and counting. BUt over all my main focus with him is developing CHARECTER... as it will be and is with all of our boys.

- I realized that I haven't shared with you all about my little sister and the whole situation there. I'll have to write a post about that... because right now, she is a big part of our life.

- Daniel is LOVING his therapy school. He actually cries when it's time to come home because he loves being around other kids so much and he loves the structure. It makes me happy to know how much he loves it, but it also makes me a bit sad because after he id done with this specific school program, there really is no good therapy speech schools in our area that i feel comfortable with. But we'll take it a year at a time...

And that just about sums up things here right now... May you enjoy this new season and may it bring joy and blessing and a bountiful harvest of HOPE!

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

Love the fall blog look. It is my fav season too. Glad to hear things are going well.