Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, July 11, 2010

We just had the privledge of having a full 24 hours without children, and it was fabulous. Matt and I needed a rest so much. Now i feel refreshed and ready to love on my children. It's been an extreamly difficult year for us. With special needs issues, matt working overtime, building up our business, and having little suport I think it's been one of the hardest years of our marriage. We just have really stuggled to be patient and loving with the kids just feeling so burnt out. So this weekend really felt like a renewing time.
We haven't had any interest in the house lately. We really trust that God knows best and that he's got bigger plans for us that we can't comprehend. with all of the overtime Matt has been working he is actually training for a new position which could possibly move us into a postion with better hours and pay. The house is still for sale, but we are just feeling like maybe God wants us to stay put for now. Though it is really hard for me to put my dream of moving back to the midwest on hold, i know that it may at the time be for the best. Only time will tell. So in the meantime we are actually working on fencing the property. If the house sells or not it's an improvement that is worth the investment. Once the fence is up it will allow Henry (our goat) to free range instead of being tied up. Also we are considering getting another goat as a kid and then raising it to be a pack goat. So when we go hiking and backpacking he then can carry stuff for us :) We haven't even gotten him yet and matt wants to name him Bob. So the plan is if we aren't able to move then next spring we will buy a baby bull and band him (fix him) let him eat our grass and get him nice and chunky and then eat him. From there if all goes well we will expand. Of course our plans will change if the house sells and we are able to move, or if our home business really takes off, or if the patient makes a million dollars. Then we will reevaluate.
Oy! so there a little update for you :) I still have a ton of unfinshed posts on thoughts to publish, but time is precious a minimal to sit on the computer and type these days!


Jamie said...

Quick question: how is it to have a goat around your little ones? I am starting to consider getting a milk goat.

My Little Warriors said...

Jamie- Henry is a very large goat but he is great around the kids. Essentially he just acts like a big calm dog. So we are hoping that the next goat we get will be the same and use to little kids because he will be around them all the time. We are working on fencing the property and we've always had him on a lead so the big thing to worry about for us is the rope knocking the kids over. But other then that he is very sweet and i've had nothing but good experiences with goats. I have friends who have miling goats and they highly recomend it.

Leanne said...


Your property is great! It's pretty! You're in a good place to wait, I mean, at least it's private and pretty.

I've always loved your spirit. I love that you want what God wants for you and your family.

We love you tons!!!!