Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I am really enjoying having pippin. He provides entertainment for the boys and he gets us out and exploring more up and down our hill. He is such a good little goat. Very social, yet calm. It will be fun to watch him grow and bring him on hiking trips with us. Last night was the first night that he was fenced in with Henry. He was much happier to be able to free range and to be able to be near his new friend. This morning when i went to check on them Pip was actually laying outside of the fence (he must of went through it in the night or the morning) near where Henry was laying on the inside of the fence. So it's nice to know that he will stick around when he gets free. 3/4 of the area that they are fenced in right now is electric fencing... so he can fit through it pretty easy even if he does get shocked.. though it seems he is learning his lesson. The ducks on the other hand I'm not sure about. I found them on the inside of the fence and one of them seemed like she couldn't quack.. so she may have gotten zapped. I'm sure that they will all learn sooner or later.
In the midst of getting Pip, we've lost Roxy. When we first put up the electric fence Roxy ran into it and was so startled that she ran off not to be seen again until the next morning down the road. Since then she had stayed clear of the area until last night. We were putting the goats in their new area when we hear roxy running back through the woods towards us, and then we hear her crying and running away. She ran into the fencing again. we haven't seen her since then. Our neighbors haven't seen her either. She does have a collar and tags on her, so hopefully if someone finds her they will call us. If i don't hear anything tomorrow I will probably go down to the humane society and check out to see if anyone brought her in.. though i hope that they would just call us. Sigh... i really hope that we can find her because i really do not want to put the time and energy into training another dog... but it's a necessity here to have one to keep away the coyotes and other predators from coming after the other more vulnerable animals.

In other new, I'm working hard core on getting Daniel potty trained. That boy pees like it's going out of style! Hopefully he will connect the dots and want to pee in the toilet soon! He doesn't mind sitting on it.. he just hasn't connected it quit yet.

Matt's business is picking up. He has been generating a lot of interest in his hydro electric system. I think once the word is really out there we will be getting more business because alternative energy sources and living green are BIG right now, and people are investing to save money in the long run. It's been really exciting to see things come together for that.

And that's about it for now!

Isn't our life riveting?

1 comment:

Leanne said...

I love your life!!

I think Pippin is a cute name.

Roxy missing?? Oh no. I'll pray that you guys find her.

I found that potty training my girls was WAAAAAY easier than potty training Russell. But you've done it twice already, you can do it again!!!

Thanks for the update into your life!