Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Friday, July 30, 2010

Just when i feel like I can receive the strength from the Lord to stay here... just when i feel close to peace and acceptance... just when I start to feel a little settled... we get a call from a realtor who wants to show our house on Sunday....
and now i feel all out of sorts again! will we stay or will me move?

I guess we'll see if there is an offer


Leanne said...


It sounds like maybe you don't want there to be an offer......???

I know you are a true seeker. Keep seeking the Lord and bring to Him all of your out-of-sorts thoughts. Seek Him for each step, like you already are.

I will pray for clarity and discernment for both you and Matt, so that you won't be uncertain.

Hang in there!

My Little Warriors said...

I do want there to be an offer, but i don't. I want and desire to be near family and friends, but i'm scared about the uncertianty of leaving a stable job....

thanks for the prayers leanne