Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Never Again

For 30 minutes panic grew into a big fear monster... He walked away... down our road.. to the semi- busy highway that it ends at...he started to walk down the highway...  he was picked up by someone and dropped off at a police station...
It could have been terrible.. it could have not ended well... we could be one of those families searching... empty.. broken.... wondering.
But we're not. He was protected. He was watched over and he is safe, Sleeping in his bed. And i am recovering.. and scared.. and angry.. and thankful.
 I was sleeping while he decided that he was going to walk to grandma's.. Matt did not think Joshua was serious when he said he wanted to walk...  when i woke up i wondered why he was not up yet and then we discovered that he was gone.
This had never happened before, and i am praying it never happens again. I am thankful for the woman that saw my son walking on the highway and brought him to the police station. I am thankful my son did not get hit by a car... and i am thankful that this story turned out better then many that turn into tragedy and heartache. I can see how a child going missing can tear a family apart and blame can be cast... i got a small glimpse of that hell of the child being missing and wondering and worrying and i NEVER want to go back there again. NEVER.

I love you Joshua.. next time you can have a ride to grandma's... no more trying to walk.


nyssa said...

I'm so sorry you went through this!!! I would lose my mind. What a relief and that is an understatement! xoxoxo

Kmarie said...

When you wrote that email my heart almost stopped for you. I hope it will never happen again either! Thank God for the events that transpired the way they did:) I am so relieved for you:)
Sending love...

Marissa said...

Oh wow, I'm so sorry that happened and so thankful that it turned out as it did! Praying for you as you work through it my friend.

Jamie said...

That is so scary!! I'm so glad he's okay!!!!!!!!