Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I know you all may be wondering about how things have been going with my nephew and my sister. Without going into to much detail i will tell you that she has decided that she is going to be the fulltime parent and she will choose what situations to put her child in... and it's a little heartbreaking but it's time for me to let go and trust and pray that God will watch out for my little nephew... So from time to time i may see him... but we are no longer his primary caregivers... and that's that.
As far as the second baby situation, she has decided to give the baby life, she is going to try and raise him/her and if it doesn't work out she is open to adoption. SO YAY for no abortion.
There is much more to this situation and this has been a big burden for our family for a while... and now we are in the process of letting it go... because that's the season and that's what's going on.
And though my heart breaks for my nephew, my heart trusts in the Lord.

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

Oh that is so hard to let go. I am sorry for your loss. Just remember the steps of grieving for this situation as well. I will send prayers to both of your circumstances.
Yay for not doing the abortion but I hope she chooses wisely what to make for the future child and can learn more ways to prevent even having to make this decision in the future. I hope both of you can find support. You for dealing with the tough cycle her issues can bring and her for making life choices healthily.
I am glad you are feeling at least that letting go is what you must do. Decisions help aid life. Just take care of yourself and your family too.
I hurt for you but also know that you are an amazing person to handle all of this.