Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, September 29, 2012

my world today...

We were blessed with FREE new windows and a sliding glass door for our home. Our old windows had mold growing on them and they were basically destroying our house. BOO... now i feel like our home is so much safer health wise!

Our babysitter/aid for our boys, who was up in Alaska for a few months, is back home in Washington and it so lovely to see her! Not only is she fabulous with my boys, i also enjoy her company! Many years ago when i was a youth leader at our old church she was one of the girls in my group. So it's been so much fun watching her become a woman! Oh i am just happy she is back! And she brought me flowers.    :)

This morning i was helping Elijah out of his shirt to put a new one on and as i lifted his shirt i noticed non other then the tell tale sign on CHICKEN POX! That's right... chicken pox has taken up residence in one of our kiddos. He is the youngest and non-vaccinated so i am not surprised... just not sure where he got it from. I am anticipating Daniel will catch it as he is not vaccinated either, not sure about Joshua. Joshua actually did receive the vaccine when he was 1, so according to the CDC he should be immune to it. We shall see! I am very skeptical when it comes to vaccines.
We are also dealing with cancer again. Matt's grandma just got diagnosed with colon cancer and the doctors are pretty sure that it has metastasised, they are just not sure where to.
And that is what is going on here today.. and it's sounds strange, but today I'm just so HAPPY.
weird huh?
 It must be the Holy Sprit or something great like that working on my heart to keep it at peace right now.

1 comment:

Kmarie said...

So happy for your windows! Are those them in behind the pretty flowers? They look really clean:) Anyway, I am happy for you that you are having a good time with some obvious highs during this tougher season of life.