Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

numb faces and 5 hour doctors visits

last night my right arm went numb. Which sadly enough isn't a new thing for me. But then the right side of my face went numb along with a sudden onset of a headache just on that side.
I spent 5 hours at the doctors office today.
After an ekg, ct scan, blood work, and a chest x ray no answers where found but the fact that my blood work showed a chance of a blood clot was somewhere in my body. Other then that just questions....
So now i am referred to a neurologist and hopefully some answers will appear.
Until then I'm tired, i'm going to rest and hopefully the numbness will subside enough for me to feel "normal" again.


Kmarie said...

Numbness often scares me more than pain. I am so sorry for you And my prayers go out to you. Hope it's not a blood blot and that the neurologists find what is needed. Let me know.
Sending love and care;)

Leanne said...

Hmmm....are you seeing a local neurologist???

I will pray for you!!!!!!!!!!
