Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Saturday, March 17, 2012

food and other things

It's been a while since i have shared a recipe. So here ya go. I know that many of my readers will find this useful as it is a gluten free recipe and full of yummies for the whole family.

Chicken Tacos

now before you pass over this thinking that you are not a "taco" fan, you need to read the indregients and all and you may change your mind.
These are the things you will need...

chicken (not a whole chicken)
your favorite salsa or picante sauce
bell peppers
Black beans

Cook chicken in salsa. I cook mine in my crockpot so it makes it super easy.. usually i will use 2 jars of salsa per 3-5 pounds of chicken.. i like using chicken breast because no matter how hard i try to like dark meat i am still a white meat girl. Once chicken is cooked take out chicken and shred... now this part you can drain out the left over salsa or leave it in.. it depends on how soupy you want it...
from there add 1 chopped onion, as many peppers as you like (i usually just add one, matt isn't a big fan of peppers) and as many cooked black beans as you like ( i usually add around 2 cups) ... stir up... put cover back on crock pot and once warmed through you have what my sister in law calls chicken tacos. I usually make some rice and then we eat the chicken mixture over the rice with sour cream and tortilla chips... It really is a delishish meal that is easy to make, and GLUTEN FREE!
So there you are... a recipe from my families kitchen. I would share a picture... but it doesn't look as good as it taste!

In other news..
there is a very good chance that our baby llama Shiloh, is going to die. I wander if it's the name... because our last baby llama (also named shiloh) died as well. Anyway... today when i was out in the pasture giving grain treats, shiloh didn't want any grain (which is very odd for her) and then as i watched her closley i noticed that she was walking like a drunk sailor. Needless to say she has contracted a type of worm (ewwww) that comes from snails and slugs (yes we have A LOT of them) that attacks the central nervous system. Luckily i noticed it at the first stages so hopefully the aggressive treatment i have her on nips it fast... if not she will loose her sight and coordination and basically die a terrible death. sigh... we did deworm her when we got her, but maybe not soon enough. I am keeping a close eye on our other new llama for signs of the same issue. She is wormed as well against it, but because she comes from a farm that never dewormed their llamas she may be at a higher risk.
Anyway... don't you love talk about worms?
I just hope she gets through this... though if she does, there is a chance that she will be slightly lame forever, so we would have to find her a new home as we need a llama that can hike with us!

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