Children are not a burden to escape or endure; they are a blessing that drives us to Christ because we are incapable of parenting well without Him. - Kim Brenneman

Sunday, March 18, 2012

another victory!!!

Since my little sister has moved to town i have driven her everywhere for everything. It has been difficult especially in that i feel like my life is spent in the car and that i am not putting enough time and energy into my own little family. It was also becoming a problem with my heart and circulation issues. Like i mentioned in an earlier post i just broke down to my loving husband and kept him up extremely late. After some extra blessings and things not necessary to mention here, my little sister now has a vehicle of her own! Seriously i can not tell you how much stress this takes off of me! Now I just get to cuddle with my nephew when she works... and really just feel more like a sister, then a guardian or an aid! She can bring him to me and pick him up! No need for me to drive her around all day long just to drop her off and have her call me an hour later because she thinks her stubbed toe warrants a trip to the ER (and i have to be the bad guy and tell her no it does not).
SO needless to say this is a great day for me and just frees me up in so many ways! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

If you read my other post you also read about shiloh our llama. She is actually doing a little better today then she was yesterday, so hopefully she will pull through!


Leanne said...

I simply adore reading your blog! It sounds just like you. When we can't sit at the cafe and talk till all hours, it's so good to read your blog and see what's going on!

those chicken tacos sound scrumpalicious! I love my crock pot that actually used to be YOUR crock pot!! Each of my girls are getting a crock pot for a wedding present from us!!

Poor llama. I know how you love your llamas. I do hope the poor thing pulls through.

Do you think you'll ever be in a position to teach Samantha flute?

Email me when you get a chance!


Kmarie said...

Glad you are feeling better:)